Chance (31 Dec 2023)
"Cancel Christmas?"

Hello John and Doves,
What if God had decided to not send His Son?  What if He said 'it is just too dangerous down there for My Son.  I just cant' reconcile with these sinners'. Or what if He said, 'in solidarity with those persecuted by the Romans, I'm cancelling the birth of My Son.  No celebrations of a Savior for Earth.  No celebrations why persecution is going on.'
So many people - even 'Christians'  (blinded, misled, etc.) - have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas.  The real reason for the season.  The birth of the Son of God.  That's what the celebrating is about (or it should be about).  God on Earth - God with man.
A group of Bethlehem clerics decided to 'cancel' Christmas in the city of Bethlehem.  "It's impossible to celebrate when so many - on both sides - have lost so much,"  Rami Asakrieh, a Franciscan friar and pastor of St. Catherine's Church, told the Washington Post this week.  "We canceled the festivities as a sign of solidarity with the victims of the war, "Asakrieh, who signed the letter to Biden...:"We condemn the brutal attacks on October 7th that caused the loss of life of nearly 1,400 Israelis and citizens of other nations, and we call for the immediate released of all civilians held hostage, a group of Bethlehem clerics wrote in a letter to President Joe Biden last month."  The letter went on..."Hamas' atrocities, however, did not justify what the group called the "collective violence" against civilians in Gaza, who have now been under siege from Israel's military for almost three months, the letter read."
"In his annual Christmas speech, Bethlehem Mayor Hanna Nanania slammed Israel's retaliatory bombardment of Gaza as "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing,"  the Washington Post said.  The head of the local chamber of commerce, Samir Hazboun, also criticized what he called the "moral failure of the West" to curtail the killing of Gazan civilians, the outlet continued."
"If Jesus were born today, he would be born in Gaza amid the rubble," the Rev. Munther  Isaac, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church, said while standing over his church's rubble-strewn nativity."  Yet he went on to add "We need the Christmas message more than ever.  We need the peace and love.  We need the light."
This same "church" had a nativity set up with the baby Jesus lying in rubble.  And the Church of the Nativity had their manager scene wrapped in razor wire with trapped figures.
Bethlehem cancels Christmas as Israel-Hamas war rages on
This is exactly what satan wanted to happen - cancel the celebration of the birth of the Savior of the world.  Twist around the celebration so it's no longer about Christ's birth.  It's about man - Gazan civilians and Hamas.  What a win for satan!   And these "Christians" fell right into his hands.
Do these "Christian" leaders not know what Christmas is about?  Christ's birth should be celebrated no matter what the circumstances. And especially when the circumstances are painful or dire.  Yet these people - it's hard to believe that these "Christians" believe in my God - they make their rules to fit their narrative.  They have chosen the enemy of God's people - a people who openly demand 'from the river to the sea' (It's in their Charter), who demand the destruction of the Jewish people - over celebrating the biggest gift God has given the world. THE ONLY HOPE FOR THE WORLD.
When will people realize this is not about mankind's narrative.  This is such a lost and fallen world - even the pastors, and religious clerics have lost The Way.
If the Palestinians in Gaza really were wanting peace with the Jews why did they break the ceasefire?  Why did they continue sending missiles over into Israel?  As far as their "civilian' death toll - we are never told what number of these "innocent civilians" are combatants that were killed fighting against the IDF.  The news reports them ALL as "civilians".  But somebody is sending over the rockets.  Somebody butchered women and children in Israel. Somebody has the hostages. Somebody did that!  Palestinians are not innocent in this war.  As for the Gazan civilians that were not allowed to leave areas the IDFS warned them to evacuate - their blood is on the hands of Hamas.  Hamas has said repeatedly that Gazan civilians are not their concern or responsibility (yet their Charter states the Palestinian security IS their responsibility!).  Hamas said they are the U.N.'s responsibility - because the U.N. created these 'perpetual' refugees.  Not the only thing in their Charter they have kicked aside to achieve their goals by whatever brutal means they can.
So Christians cancelled the Christmas celebrations for the city of Bethlehem.  They have no understanding of the God of the Bible.  If they did, they would have celebrated the birth of His son AND not tied it to the support a people that are the sworn enemy of God's Chosen people and the blessed land of Israel.  But many of these involved in this are Palestinians BEFORE they are "Christians".  There is a conflict of interest here.
These people are celebrating the cause of the Palestinians - which is the destruction of the Jewish people - they are quick to toss around the word 'genocide' of Palestinians by the IDF, but not a peep about the genocide of Jews that is in the hearts of most Palestinians.  I have linked numerous videos of interviews of Palestinians being asked if there can be peace with Israel and the Jewish people.  The resounding answer was 'NO - Absolutely not.  The Jews need to be removed from all of the land as the land belongs to Palestinians'.  Israel can never make peace with Hate.  Palestinians want nothing to do with a 'two-state' solution - it's one state - Palestine.
"Al-Aqsa mosque preacher said:  'I say to the Jews we and the state of the Islamic calpihate will come to liberate this land from your filth."
Jerusalem Muslim Cleric Who Called for Slaughter of Jews Convicted of Incitement - Israel News -
And then look at the "Christmas is Cancelled" protests in the U.S..  This isn't about Gaza's Palestinians and their plight this is all about anti-God.  These are hate filled minions of satan.  They hate God, they hate America, they hate Israel...all they know is hate.  It will take God to deal with these people ...and that time is coming.
"Pro-Palestinian protesters chant 'Christmas is canceled' while carrying blood-red mock Nativity scene through NYC.."
Pro-Palestinian protesters out to cancel Christmas as they storm NYC again
"Pro-Palestinian protesters in car caravan disrupt Christmas caroling in Washington Square Park"  "No celebration, 'til liberation" a caption read on an Instagram story showing the Washington Square protest from the pro-Palestine group Within Our Lifetime's social media account."
NYC pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Christmas caroling in Washington Square Park
"Long live the infifada," the crowd of about 500 demonstrators yelled...Consider the disgusting exhibition at Rock Center Monday evening, when hundreds of pro-Islamist demonstrators crowded in to mock one of Christianity's holiest days - in support of Hamas, the perpetrators of 1,200 murders and so much more in Israel Oct 7."
"Who targets Christmas Day for a celebration of coldly calculated mass murder, torture, hostage-taking and rape?  Can it get more depraved than that?  Perhaps.  Who knows what these lovely folks are planning for New Year's Eve?  Whatever it is, they reasonably can expect to get away with it."
Depraved pro-terrorist protesters try to cancel Christmas as politicians coddle them
Even in Congress, we have many that mock our God.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex knows nothing of Christianity or the meaning of Christmas.  She shows her ignorance and arrogance once again saying that "Christ was born in modern-day Palestine under the threat of a government engaged in the mass genocide of innocents.  He was part of a targeted population being indiscriminately killed to protect an unjust leader's power...Thousands of years later, right-wing forces are violently occupying Bethlehem as similar stories unfold for today's Palestinians, so much so that the Christian community in Bethlehem has canceled this year's Christmas Eve celebrations."  Mick Huckabee blasted "AOC for utterly ignorant Christmas message:  "She has no clue."
"Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said of AOC, "Is she not aware that the while term 'Palestinian' meant 'Jewish people' until 1962, when Yasser Arafat coopted the term and created a nation and made up a people and called them the Palestinians, who previously were Jordanian?"  Bethlehem used to be a majority of Christians - "but now is run by radicalized Muslims."  "The Christians were pretty much burned out and shut down by the radical Muslims who took it over back during the intifada", said Huckabee.  Huckabee went on to say that AOC has "no clue about the history of the Middle East".
"Nor, clearly, the purpose for which Christ was born that holy night."
Huckabee tears into Squad member AOC over Jesus misinformation
That's a big problem - not knowing (or denying) the history of the Middle East, of Israel, of the Jewish people, of the present-day Palestinians and not knowing what is written in the Charter of Hamas/the Palestinian people and in the Palestinian Authority charter.  Satan is good at deception and lies.
The Hamas Charter:
Embracing Hamas and the Palestinians condemns both Jews and Christians to their hate and violence.  The Hamas Charter or "A Document of General Principles & Policies" 
has a Preamble where Hamas declares that the Palestinian people have had their land usurped from them - "a people whose land continues to suffer one of the worst types of occupation in this world.  Palestine is a land that was seized by a racist, anti-human and colonial zionist project that was founded on a false promise (the Balfour Declaration), on recognition of a usurping entity and on imposing a fait accompli by force."
"Palestine symbolizes the resistance that shall continue until liberation is accomplished, until the return is fulfilled and until a fully sovereign state is established with Jerusalem as its capital."
"The Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" is a Palestinian Islamic national liberation and resistance movement.  Its goal is to liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist project...Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras Al-Naqurah in the north to Umm Al-Rashrash in the south, is an intergral territorial unit.  It is the land and the home of the Palestinian people.  The expulsion and banishment of the Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their entire land and do not entrench any rights therein for the usurping Zionist entity."  The charter even goes on to define what a 'Palestinian' is.
There is a section on Jerusalem:  "Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine.  Its Islamic and Christian holy places belong exclusively to the Palestinian people and to the Arab and Islamic Ummah.  Not one stone of Jerusalem can be surrendered or relinquished."  Jewish occupation on all levels is "null and void".  "The blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs exclusively to our people and our Ummah, and the occupation has no right to it whatsoever."  All Jewish claims are null and void.
There is a section on "The Zionist Project" where Hamas claims they are against Zionists, not Jews.  And they wrote that "It is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity."  (To that I respond with a big HA!  They are the biggest Jew haters on the planet.)
Then it goes on, "Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds.  Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage."  (Another big HA!)
"The establishment of "Israel" is entirely is also in violation of human rights that are guaranteed by international conventions....."no part of the land of Palestine shall be compromised or matter how long the occupation lasts.  Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA."
"Hamas stresses that transgression against the Palestinian people, usurping their land and banishing them from their homeland cannot be called peace.  Any settlements reached on this bases will not lead to peace.  Resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine will remain a legitimated right, a duty and an honour for all the sons and daughters of our people and our Ummah."
"The liberation of Palestine is the duty of the Palestinian people in particular and the duty of the Arab and Islamic Ummah in general.  Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine law and by international norms and laws.  At the heart of these lies armed resistance, which is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and the rights of the Palestinian people."
Hamas Media Office
These are just a few relevant points I lifted from this Charter.  So we can see it is every Palestinians duty to fight against the Jewish state - using violence is a necessity.  Jews and Christians have no rights to any holy sites in Israel.  Their Charter says their fight is not against Jews - but against Zionists and the Zionist state...but the hateful rhetoric towards JEWS shows their Charter is full of lies and deceptions. (And we see this with the Palestinian Authority also.)
The Palestinian Authority:
"An official document of the Palestinian Authority is calling for the murder of Jews."
Palestinian Authority Issues Call to 'Murder Jews', Tells Islamic Leaders to Incite Violence | CBN News
These people obviously have no problem persecuting human beings of other religions - like Christianity and Judaism.
They are on the wrong side of this.  The Number One Commandment:  'Thou shalt have no other gods before me'.  God has historically and consistently brought destruction to those who worship pagan idols.  And Jerusalem, the Jewish people were chosen by God.  He wrote His name on His Holy City.
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."  Hebrew 10:31
Canceling Christmas reminded me of Pastor Dana's dream - which I believe is a picture of our future - maybe next year.
Dana Coverstone Apocalyptic Dream for December, January and Winter
It's easy to see what Israel, the Jewish people are up against.  And it's not just Jews - it's Christians - and the West. As we've seen in our own country- THEY want to cancel Christmas, one of our Holy Days.  "No celebration - 'til liberation."
People who give in to this have no understanding of the true meaning of Christmas.  Tying Christmas - the celebration of the birth of Christ - to the Palestinian cause is just another weapon used by a deceived people - it's part of satan's fight against God.
Never cave to their demands for us to abandon our religious beliefs and deny our God.  Never give in to their mocking of Christian Holy Days and their desecration of our Holy Places. 
God will have the last say and straighten this mess out.
One day, God will set up His kingdom on Earth with Jerusalem as His capital.  Jesus is coming back!  Let us always celebrate His birth!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!