Chance (3 Dec 2023)
"Jean Stepnoski "Approaching Hanukkah: Haggai 1: 4-7 and Luke 21: 34""

Hello Jean and Doves,
Jean, all of what you wrote sure is compelling!  With all that's going on in Israel, the Middle East - many, many miracles are happening daily!  Will we see another 'eve of Hanukkah' miracle?
As Jean wrote, - who would notice Kislev 24?  And who reads Haggai - a minor prophet?
Approaching Hanukkah: Haggai 1: 4-7 and Luke 21: 34

Hanukkah takes place in the ninth month - Kislev, starting on the twenty-fifth day and lasting for a total of eight days.   The eve of Hanukkah, the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month is also a special day.
The books of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi all were written during the restoration of Judah to the holy land following the Babylonian captivity.  These were the last words of the Prophets to the Jewish people.  Haggai was referred to as the "messenger of Yehovah" and may also be the author of the book of Malachi (which means "My Messenger").  Zechariah and Haggai were contemporaries.
The twenty-fourth day of the ninth month is mentioned four times in the book of Haggai:  Chapter 2: 10, 15, 18 and 20.  Two times we are told "from this day forward".  Twice Haggai gets a special message from the Lord on this day.
Historically on the eve of Hanukkah (the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month), we can see the importance of this date:
When Alexander the Great died, his empire was divided among his four generals.  The Holy Land area came under the control of General Seleucus - forming what became known as the Seleucid Dynasty.   
These Greek overlords became increasingly intolerant of Judaism - the Jewish festivals were prohibited, along with circumcision and owning a copy of the Torah.  The Jews were ordered upon death to worship Greek gods.
Things got much worse for the Jewish people under King Antiochus IV Epiphanes.  He added "Epiphanes" to his name - "God Manifest".  He slaughtered Jewish leaders, men, women, children, babies.  The Jews renamed him "Epimanes" - "The Mad One".
He placed a statue of Zeus in the Holy of Holies and proclaimed himself Zeus' representative on earth.  This act occurred on the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in 167 BC.
The Jewish people started their rebellion that lasted 3 years to the day.  The priest Mattathias and his son Judah the Maccabee, called "The Hammer", carried out brilliant attacks on the Greek army.  On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month in 164 BC the Greeks were driven out of Jerusalem.  The Temple was freed!  The Jewish people rededicated and cleansed the Temple. 
This was the 'first time' - 'from this day forward I will bless you'.
For the rededication they had found one bottle of consecrated oil which they used to light the Temple Menorah.  This one day supply ended up lasting eight days!  This miraculous occurrence was commemorated into the annual cycle of Jewish holidays as Hanukkah, The Feast of Dedication, The Festival of Lights.
In The Prophecy Watchers December, 2019 magazine, Gary Stearman wrote an article titled:  "The Remarkable Winter Prophecies of Haggai".
In his article, Gary tells the story of an amazing miracle concerning the liberation of Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire in 1917.
On November 2, 1917, Lord Arthur James Balfour made a declaration that His Majesty's Government had approved the establishment in Palestine of a home for the Jewish people, and would mount a campaign to liberate Palestine from the Ottoman Empire.
General Allenby, who was known as a "brilliant Christian general", led the campaign.  He knew it would be difficult to free Jerusalem from the Turkish army as the Turks had fortified Jerusalem as "an almost impregnable fortress'.  It was reported that he "hated the thought of shedding blood in the city of the Lord, or of damaging the walls."  These things caused him to analyze his position and method of attack over and over before moving on Jerusalem.
As his army moved on Jerusalem from the south, the Turkish army fled to the north!  His army marched into Jerusalem without a shot being fired!
Quoting from this article:  "As he marched up to the city, one of the most amazing miracles of all history took place.  A rumor had reached the Turks that a strong army was approaching. It was said to be led by one whose name was "Allenby".  But to Turkish ears, the name came out as "Allah Bey", which means "the prophet of God."  A terrifying conviction fell upon their ranks.  Because of their adversary's name, they felt that God was against them.  They fled, and Allenby's forces literally walked into Jerusalem without a shot being fired."
This took place on December 9, 1917 - the Eve of Hanukkah - the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month!!  The ninth month is Kislev.  On this day the Holy City, Jerusalem, was freed from captivity!
On this day, the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, Jewish soldiers in the British Army, celebrated Hanukkah at the Western Wall.  (The Turks had only allowed Jews to visit The Wall on Fridays before the Sabbath.)
This was the 'second time' - 'from this day forward I will bless you'.
But on one day Haggai is told twice about the twenty-fourth day of the month and the last of these two times he is given a message - a prophecy of what the Lord is going to do.
"For the second time that day, the twenty-fourth day of the month, the word of the Lord came to Haggai, saying "Tell Zerubbabel governor of Judah that I am about to shake the heavens and the earth..."  Then the Lord talks about overturning royal thrones and destroying kingdoms.  Overturning chariots and riders - "each by the sword of his brother"  Haggai 2:22, 23.
Is there yet another miraculous event to happen on the 24th day of the 9th month?  Will it happen this year?  In Ezekiel 38, the Lord shakes the heavens and the earth and there are soldiers riding horses and the Lord destroys many nations...."every man's sword will be against his brother."
Was Haggai warned about the Gog and Magog War prophesied by Ezekiel?  The wording is certainly similar.  Will this war happen on the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month? 
Historically on Hanukkah, the twenty-fifth day of the ninth month:
It was on this day, Hanukkah, that Jesus declared Himself the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus fulfilled the Feast of Dedication, on the twenty-fifth of Kislev.
When Jesus spoke of His sheep and that no one could snatch them from His hand - 'snatched' in Greek ἁρπάζειν (harpazein) means "to seize, snatch, take by force, to pluck".  This is the same word used in several other verses.  In 2 Corinthians 12:4 when Paul was caught up into Paradise; in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 when Paul was describing the Rapture 'will be caught up together'; in Acts 8:39 when the Lord 'caught away' Philip; and in Revelation 12:4 and the woman's child was 'caught up' to God.
Could the use of this word to 'seize, snatch, take by force' In John 10 be a reference to the Rapture?  "..we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds.."  1 Thessalonians 4:17  Could the reference of His voice to call His sheep be a reference to "For the Lord Himself will descent from heaven with a loud command.."?  1 Thessalonians 4:16 
Jesus talked about His sheep being already in His hand and that He gives them eternal life.  He said this on Hanukkah.  Since this happened on the twenty-fifth day of Kislev (Hanukkah), might this be a veiled reference to the Rapture taking place on the twenty-fourth day of Kislev (the Eve of Hanukkah)?  
"Was Christ saying that the Rapture will have taken place and that He will have already snatched His believers from the Earth, making it impossible to snatch them back again?  This seems like a viable conclusion and fits very nicely with the links between the day before Hanukkah and the prophecies about it."
The Rapture, Gog, and Hanukkah Puzzle: Putting It All Together
Will something else miraculous happen on the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month this year?  Hannukah IS a time of miracles!
And what about the Rapture?
"How far ahead of the invasion the Rapture occurs is unknown: but it would seem logical that it will come a very short time before the invasion, given the fact that such a momentous event as the sudden vanishing of a large chunk of the world's population will created the type of confusion that God and Magog might try to use to their advantage in attacking Israel.  Or it may be that the two events will very nearly coincide so that the Rapture is missed during the noise and confusion of the fighting, earthquakes and plagues."
The Rapture, Gog, and Hanukkah Puzzle: Putting It All Together
Will this Hanukkah season be just another 'Festival of Lights' or will something amazing happen again? 
It looks like Biden is waffling on his support of Israel.  (He and his administration are anti-Israel)  President Biden suggested that there would be conditions placed on Israel for further military assistance - followed by the White House running damage control on this.  We've seen this before with this White House - Biden spills the beans and the White House tries to deny it/cover it up or twist the meaning.  Israel should just ignore Biden, Blinken, Austin and do what is best for the Jewish People.
Israel stands alone in the Ezekiel war.  Are we getting close to this war starting?

Torah Calendar
According to the new moon sighting, the the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month is sunset 8 December to sunset 9 DecemberDay 1 of Hanukkah starts on sunset 9 December (Saturday) to sunset 10 December (Sunday)...the last eighth day ends sunset 17 December.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!