Hello John and Doves,Are these two movies somehow connected? "Leave the World Behind" and "Civil War".In case you missed John's letter last week - it's a real gem! Lots of very interesting connections made between Obama and his movie "Leave the World Behind". Excellent job, John! Fascinating non-coincidences.
Leave The World Behind
John, Thanks for all of your work on this 'movie' - you have pointed out much much more than I and others have come across. I believe that Obama is keenly aware of the 'comments' on his movie - especially from the group of people who look for meaning in symbols, signs, numbers. He knows what is 'hidden' in this movie - this isn't be accident - this is by design. And he must know that some think he will be the coming Antichrist.America has been turned over to judgment and Obama knows it. He was the president that announced that America is no longer a Christian nation. He opened the country up to Islam - which could very well be the 'end time' 'religion' of the Antichrist...to get things started for him, especially the beheadings of those who don't bow down to his image. Satan is using Islam against God's chosen people - Israel is surrounded by Muslim countries - who all want Israel and the Jewish people gone. Satan is using this 'religion'/ideology to go after the Jews. And Hamas networks are throughout the West - as Israel has warned - just waiting for 'the go' signal, per FBI Director Wray.. The jihadis will hit the Christian nations too.John has clearly pointed out the signs, symbols, numbers in the movie, often times with screen shots - this is not hard to grasp - and as John also pointed out - there could be many more hidden in the movie.John wrote about the movie's 'three-stage maneuver that could topple a country's government from within' - all leading to the last - Civil War. Total collapse.That brings me to another movie. This one is coming out this Spring - April 26, 2024. It's about civil war in America. So it seems that 'Leave The World Behind' is the pre-conditioning for 'Civil War'? Or a continuation...Part 2?Here's a trailer:
(334) Civil War - Official Trailer (2024) - YouTube
run time 2:34Alex Garland directed this move. "Alex Garland, whose previous directorial efforts include Ex Machina, Annihilation, and Men, all of which came after he made a name for himself writing movies like 28 Days Later and Sunshine, has long felt like someone with their pulse firmly on modern society. In spring 2024, Garland will give his audiences perhaps his most frightening movie yet, Civil War."
"Civil War" is about a "massive conflict between the American government and rebel states.." "Set sometime in the near future, "Civil War" follows a journalist as she and her team travel to the White House while also navigating the various dangers on the road to Washington, D.C. In a race against time and other parties, the team of photographers and reporters also have to avoid capture or death, as any journalist spotted in the area stands the chance of being shot on sight, as alluded to in the movie's trailer. We don't know a lot of specifics about the plot at this time, but the nation is deeply divided, with 19 states having seceded, and a coalition made up of California and Texas giving this version of the U.S. government a vicious fight. Expect to know more about "Civil War"s plot as we get closer to its release date."
Civil War: Release Date, Trailer And Other Things We Know About The A24 Movie | Cinemablend
This civil war occurs when 19 states secede from the Union - the Western Forces (that include the states of California and Texas) who call themselves "Citizens of America" are in a war against the other group of states that include the Florida Alliance.Looks like I'm not the only one connecting these two movies: "Two new films, the Obama-produced 'Leave the World Behind' on Netflix and Alex Garland's 'Civil War' have been wrapped up in the right's latest conspiracy....Right wing grifters have already decided that the film is "predictive programming" - an example of shadowy deep state elites using their control of the media to prepare the population for an actual civil war.""This is, of course, bullsh*t."
Conspiracy Theorists Think A24's 'Civil War' Is Actually 'Programming' Americans For Civil War
run time 2:33But just hold on a minute: many of us believe that Obama is in his third term of office...in this trailer, the news announcer on the car radio says, "..the three term president assures the uprising will be dealt with swiftly"... at 0:08 into the trailer. At 00:41 there is the reflection of a US map on the window - some say that looks similar to the red/blue states. As a fighter jet drops a bomb on a U.S. city, right next to the target there is a big sign on a church roof that says "JESUS SAVES". One reporter says, "The Western forces will reach the White House on July 4th" at time 01:35. Right after at 01:40 big words appear on the screen "ALL", then a scene, "EMPIRES", then another scene, "FALL" This three-term president orders air strikes against American citizens. And the other side responds with bombing government buildings in D.C."The trailer for "Civil War", a new film about the crack up of America from Alex Garland and A24, dropped like a bomb on the internet....Predictive programming is a long-running conspiracy theory that claims powerful Hollywood elites are using the media to program the populace. The idea is that, at the behest of the Illuminati or somesuch, Hollywood makes films like "Civil War" to normalize the idea of conflict between the states. Another film about an apocalypse, "Leave the World Behind" gained similar attention this week....Barack Obama produced the film, which made it an ideal target for conspiracy-minded internet personalities who make money by sharing reactionary tales with their perpetually scared and receptive right-wing audience. Like "Civil War", weirdos are pointing to it as an example of elites using art and the media to control us.""The idea is ludicrous on its face and completely misunderstands how art works and the reciprocal nature between a society and the art it creates....With political polarization increasing in America, what would have once been normal political disputes are becoming violent. It makes sense that an artist like Garland would want to explore that in fiction. That doesn't mean a real civil war is coming, or that government elites are preparing us for such a conflict.""Movies do not, thank god, predict the future."
Conspiracy Theorists Think A24's 'Civil War' Is Actually 'Programming' Americans For Civil War
"Upcoming movie "Civil War"s inaugural trailer has sparked conspiracy theories among a faction of conservatives that the plot is a foretelling of real-life plans for the not-so-distant future of the U.S.""...many have tied "Civil War" to the new Netflix film "Leave the World Behind" and are calling it "Predictive Programming"...like Jack Posobiec (his X acct linked in below website). Jack has been slammed hard by the Democrats etc. - they call him a "political operative" and accuse him of disinformation campaigns like "Stop the Steal" even accusing him of working for the Russians...sound familiar? "Predictive programming" is a conspiracy theory that the government, or other forces in power, use fiction (whether books, movies or some other medium) to make a population accept future events that have been planned by people in power." Jack Danger, part of the MAGA movement said "This is a new Civil War movie coming out ahead of 2024. It's Predictive because there will be a Civil War after they use illegals to steal the 2024 election." This article makes note of people questioning California and Texas siding together in this war - one X user wrote, "I know rural California is Red and major cities in Texas are Blue and both states have a lot of military forces, but they should have a good explanation in the movie for how this happened." Another X user wrote" With a united CA + TX, it's over. 24% of GDP, 60% of the oil, all of the best apps, SpaceX, Fort Hood and 100% of good Mexican food. Don't mess with Texifornia!"
Alex Garland's 'Civil War' Movie Trailer Sparks MAGA Conspiracy Theories
As I've written before, the more they squawk about 'disinformation' and conspiracy theories, etc. the more we know we're on the right track.As we get closer to the release of this movie and learn even more, I'll be anxiously waiting for John's take and what he finds in the new trailers - and eventually in the movie itself. IF we're still here.But the reference to the 'third-term president' really caught my attention...that's not suppose to happen....and we've got Obama running Biden's presidency - making this his third term. And Biden will be president, at least, until Jan 2025.Release Date April 26 :I looked up Strong's Hebrew for 426 - it can mean God or heathen deity
H426 - 'ĕlā - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv)
On the Jewish Chabad calendar, April 26 is day 4 of Passover Week. With Erev Passover, 14 Nissan on April 22, sunset. April 26 is also the eve of the Sabbath day, a Friday. The Chabad calendar has Passover starting in April. The 13th month of the year, Adar II, was inserted before Nisan.
April, 2024 / Adar II - Nissan, 5784 - Jewish Calendar - Hebrew Calendar
The Torah calendar has April 26 on the Sabbath day, a Saturday, after the Second Passover. The Torah calendar has Passover starting on sunset 25 March, shortly after the Spring Equinox March 20.
Torah CalendarLooks like the two calendars will be a month off in 2024...?? We'll see.Add the above movies to what's going on in the world and it's easy to see how foreign actors, like Russia, China or Iran, could 'help' a civil war start and spread in the U.S. - taking us down from within. Leaving them with the 'clean up in Aisle 3'. And the open border has allowed all kinds of rift raft into the country - like Hamas. Adding fuel to the fire.And then we've got the Blue and Red states and Democrats/Liberals against the MAGA people - that alone will rip the country apart (our enemies know this). America has been turned over for judgment. A nation divided against itself cannot stand.And there are red counties in my state of Colorado that have talked about separating from Blue Colorado and joining other neighboring Red states.
Americans Eye Secession Amid Intractable Partisan Disputes
"And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand." Mark 3:24Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance
Your comments are well appreciated, Chance!