Chance (22 Dec 2023)
"What's Going On In Australia?"

Hello John and Doves,
These are just bizarre reports:  How have 'car accidents' become an epidemic in Australia?
This is what Australia is seeing now:  "The cumulative effect of 100 dead every month, and 100 hospitalized every day - it's an epidemic.  A tragic epidemic."
Dr. Crozier, a surgeon in Western Sydney, said "We can't ignore the facts, and we are seeing a significant increase in death rates around the country."
"As the nation emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic, the road toll started to increase.  By November this year, 1,253 people had been killed in road accidents in the previous 12 months - a 6.3 per cent increase compared to the previous year."
"What we're seeing around the country in pretty much every state and territory is the numbers are going up instead of down.  And that's been happening for the last few years," said Ingrid Johnston, CEO of the Australasian College of Road Safety.  So since Covid...basically, they're going in the wrong direction."
A significant increase in death rates on roads around the country has experts worried - ABC News
So what's responsible for this big uptick in vehicular fatalities?  Their guesses are:  More people are driving than before - so of course there will be more accidents.  More cars, more wrecks.  And the police aren't testing as many people for "random breath testing".  More people driving drunk. 
But what about excess deaths going on for people who aren't driving at the time of their death?  Excess deaths in Australia has skyrocketed since the "vaccine" roll out.  Maybe some of those people are driving at the time of their health emergency.
"Coincidentally" there is a 6.1 per cent increase in mortality rates in the first eight months of 2023.  This matches the 6.3 per cent increase in vehicular deaths.  This increase should be pretty equal across the board - driving is a very common 'occurrence', so it's not surprising the vehicular deaths are up the same percentage.
Australia's mortality rate is more than 6pc higher than expected, new Australian Bureau of Statistics report reveals - ABC News
"This year was the deadliest on Australia's roads in five and a half years, with the road death toll reaching 1,253 - the highest since 1,270 people were killed in the 12 months to March 2018, according to the nation's peak motoring body."
"Month after month, road deaths keep rising and we lack the information needed to identify the reasons for this deadly trend and to develop the most effective measures for reducing crashes,"  said AAA's managing director, Michael Bradley."  AAA accuses the states and territory of covering up key information like "the causes of crashes".
"The sharpest increase was in South Australia, which rose by 61.4% from 70 deaths in 2022 to 113 deaths in 2023.  In Victoria road deaths increased by 14.5% from 249 in 2022 to 285 in 2023.  In New South Wales road deaths increased by almost a quarter, from 286 to 354."
2023 the deadliest year on Australia’s roads in more than half a decade, data shows | Transport | The Guardian

We know that 'excess' deaths are being reported in all of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccinated populations - I've written several letters about excess deaths in Australia...and here's one about Australia's neighbor, New Zealand: 
Excess Deaths in New Zealand
We are loosing pilots, athletes, entertainers, everyday folk to sudden deaths - heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, etc.  I will put it out there that this increase in vehicular accidents has more to do with drivers suffering a health crisis than 'more cars on the road', or 'people forgot how to drive after the Covid lockdowns.'  I think something really bad is going on - these people are experiencing a crisis while driving - and they are unable to control their vehicles.  Autopsies are not usually done for accident fatalities - so they'd never know if it was a heart attack, stroke, seizure, etc.
The timing of this goes along with what we've been seeing with these excess deaths. 
I was wondering when we'd start seeing 'excess' vehicular accidents...would certainly go along with the reports of airplane pilots "incapacitated", athletes dropping dead on the playing fields, etc.... 
"Incapacitation" of Airline Pilots Due To Covid-19 Vaccine

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!