Chance (22 Dec 2023)
"Merry Merry Christmas To All!"

Hello John and Doves,
We are about to celebrate another Christmas.  I had hoped that last Christmas would have been our last.  But here we are....the Good Lord still has need of us before the last Great Judgment comes upon the Earth.
Even though December 25 is more than likely not the day that Jesus was born - we are not celebrating 'the day', but the birth of the Savior of the world - when God was born as a human baby - to be the Light of the world  Salvation had come to a fallen world.  God and sinner reconciled.  The 'day' is not important - the celebration and worship is.
Jesus came as a baby during a bad time for Israel - subdued by Rome, and burdened down with endless rules created by man.  And a history of turning from God to pagan idols.  Now - God was in the process of changing out the old covenant for a new one written in the hearts of man.
"But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days," declares the Lord,"I will put My law within them and on their hearts I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people."  Jeremiah 31:33
Israel is again in a bad time.  The very existence of Israel is being threatened - not only by Arab neighbors, but her long ally, the U.S.  The Jewish people are in dire need of their Messiah - the one who came so long ago as a baby in a humble stable, offering them the Kingdom of God.
His arrival had been prophesied hundreds of years before.  And it was angels that announced His birth.  This is the greatest miracle the world has ever seen.  This baby changed the world forever~
He came the first time as a babe, a Lamb.  He is coming the second time as a Lion of the tribe of Judah.  Rev 5:5
Praying that His return is soon and our Rapture is sooner!
Peace and Good Will to All!  May this holy celebration be a blessing to you and yours!
