Chance (17 Dec 2023)
"Their Plan to Hide the Rapture | Billy Crone"

Hello John and Doves,
Pastor Billy Crone believes, like many Christians do, that an alien agenda via UFOs (UAP) will be used as the cover for the Rapture.
I have linked two interviews here with Billy Crone - one on his Youtube channel and one with Prophecy Watchers.
This is a topic that many of us here on Doves have been interested in.  It's a hot topic, "that's been ramping up in the news."  The House and Senate had been trying to get more disclosure in the defense bill they just passed this last week, but they were thwarted.
This topic isn't going away any time soon:  Congress just passed legislation on Thursday in its 'annual defense bill policy' - "under the provision...any records not already officially disclosed must be made public within 25 years of their creation, unless the president determines that they must remain classified for national security reasons."  This is not what Democrats and Republicans had hoped for - but they were out 'gunned' by the "intelligence community" and the Department of Defense.  So there is a lot THEY don't want us to know about. Senator Schumer said "It means the declassification of U.A.P. records will be largely up to the same entities that have blocked and obfuscated their disclosure for decades."
Congress orders U.F.O. records released but drops bid for broader disclosure – Rifnote
Pastor Billy Crone called this alien/Rapture cover up a "major Bible Prophecy topic.".  Below I've linked two of his recent interviews on this topic (with my notes)
Billy Crone has a new book: "UFOs, Aliens and the Coming Mass Abduction". 
This video is on his Youtube channel 'Billy Crone'
run time 11:39
In the above video, Billy Crone shows his One America News interview on "Extraterrestrials and biblical connections".
My notes:
Billy Crone was a skeptic of the Bible; he believed it was full of errors written by men and he was involved in satanism, New Age, and the occult.  He stressed that demons are real.  When he was involved in these occult practices what often came up was 'aliens'.  
Billy Crone said UFOs or alien craft is a last days deception to explain away the next event on the prophetic calendar - the Rapture of the Church.  The enemy of God has to come up with the best excuse they can think of to explain away the disappearance of Christians.  This is the alien deception - the Bible calls aliens, demons. 
What should you expect as we get closer to the Rapture?  The governments are now starting to say there are some 'alien' craft - and non-human beings are in these crafts - this is soft disclosure or predictive programming - slowly working people in to this.  This is not surprising.  This is the excuse to explain away what happened in the disappearance of Christians.
THEY have repacked demons as 'aliens' that are 'here to help us'.  Secular UFOlogists are starting to come to the conclusion that there are parallels between aliens and demons.  These demons are here to explain away the Rapture.
For the Global Elites to take over the world, you'd need some sort of global crisis to freak people out in mass - shock and awe - this narrative could be used to do just that - they create a crisis and manage the outcome .  People will give up freedoms in times of fear.  As demons show up, the Elites would call them 'aliens'.  
He presented a couple of 'messages' people have been getting from 'aliens' to tell the rest of us:
'the people who leave the planet during the earth changes do not fit here any longer; they are stopping the harmony of the earth; when the time comes approximately 20 million people leave the planet at one time there will be a tremendous shift in consciousness for those who are remaining."
'our rescue ships will be able to come in close enough at the twinkling of an eye this will be the method of evacuation; there will be many visits from galaxies and interdimensional beings to rescue people, some will never die on earth, these missing people have been taken - they went off in a lift off in the UFOs.'
This is a perfect excuse for the Rapture of the Church. As we get closer and closer to the Rapture we should see more and more 'disclosure'.
End notes.

Here is an interview on Prophecy Watchers with Mondo Gonzales - Pastor Billy Crone talked about
"Their Plan to Hide the Rapture". This is dated December 7, 2023
Their Plan to Hide the Rapture | Billy Crone - The Prophecy Watchers
run time 52:52
They cover this in much more depth than the OAN interview. 
My notes:
Billy has no doubt THEY are preparing themselves to explain the Rapture.  He believes they could appear once we disappear.  According to declassified documents, governments have the ability to do massive holograms.  They could make ships of massive size appear in the sky right after the Rapture - like Project Blue Beam.  THEY could use holograms or legitimate UFO-like aircraft.  THEY don't know the time of the Rapture. THEY work with these 'aliens' and believe what they are saying.  THEY want a one world religion and a one world government and a one world ruler to govern the planet.  Man's version of Utopia.  As soon as these Christians are gone 'that were holding up the harmony of the earth'/the troublemakers are gone finally - now they can bring in the New World Order.  NWO is an early form of satanism.  THEY will use alien-like technology like Project Blue Beam after the Rapture.
When people visibly disappear - you need to come up with something fast to explain this. To maintain sanity of the population.  Explain it with aliens/UFOs and land a UFO on the White House lawn and in other places around the world and people will fall for it.  People won't equate this with the Rapture then.  The 'Church' refuses to teach on Bible prophecy - this is not by chance - some consider the Rapture a lie, heresy.
Mondo asks is there an instantaneous disappearance of people.  He doesn't think that's the way the Bible describes it.  It will be a visible watched, observed gathering of the Church - people watch them go up.
Billy said the two witnesses visibly ascend (harpazo); Christ visibly ascended on Ascension Day - He disappeared into the clouds.  In the Rapture, we are taken up into the clouds.  And disappear into the clouds.  Last time it was Holy Angels that appeared, explaining to the people (men of Galilee) about Jesus' ascension, for the Rapture the 'angels' could be demons in the form of aliens/UFOs that explain the ascension of the Christians.  Complete counterfeit.  "We go up, they show up."
How would they explain why these people were taken up?  They could say it was a mercy rescue operation - these people were not of the higher vibration like us and could not handle what is coming, they were not of a high enough frequency, or they were a hindrance.  But we'll take care of them and bring them back when they can handle this new world...'They were removed because they would have messed up this wonderful Utopia that we are preparing.'  'Those Christians were so narrow in their views, a bunch of whackos', etc.   
In his book he brings in the Vatican involvement in all of this.
The occult pitch is to bring peace to the planet we need one government, one religion, one ruler.  The occult wants this (the Rapture) to happen - they want the Christians to go away.  Their game plan is interwoven with the appearance of aliens and UFOs. 
In the words of the occult: Imagine a time when you see the disappearance of millions of people all over the planet, and at the same time the stock market and global economy totally crashes, at the same time imagine officially that WW3 breaks out and several nukes go off in major cities around the world, imagine at the same time massive earthquakes happen.  If all of this happened all at the same time - shock and awe - the people will cry out for a savior - they won't care who it is. 
THEY don't know the time of the Rapture - but they are prepared and are waiting - but when it does happen they will create all of the above - a great reset for the world - 
They need to create a crisis to manage the outcome.  UFOs and aliens are all part of this because they have to explain away the Rapture.  The Rapture will set the stage for the chaos.  This will guide the people to one figure - the Antichrist.
If this is the explanation for the Rapture - this is exactly what we would see that is happening with the news with UFOs, aliens - in the governments, Hollywood, MSM, etc.  People will already be programmed to come to the planned conclusion they are suppose to think.  It will be aliens (not the Rapture).
For non-believers:  the only way out of this mess is to be saved.  Rebuke demons in the name of Jesus.  Believing in UFOs and aliens (like a ouija board) invites demonic activity in.
For believers:  get informed on this topic - you can help others around you.  Get equipped so you can explain what this is and why 'aliens'/UFOs are here.  Many young people are in to this.
End notes.
I think quite a few of us here believe the Rapture will be explained away as an alien abduction.  But we know what it really is.  And it's important to at least plant that 'seed of information' into those who don't believe and won't know what's truly happened.  Leaving a note for family/friends to find is a good way to communicate the truth, especially if people won't listen.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Here's a sample letter for someone 'left behind':
A Word of Hope For those who missed the RAPTURE | Heritage Baptist Church


Dear Friends,

If I am not on earth, please know the rapture has occurred and you have been left behind, and I am so sorry!

  • I am not missing – I am in the presence of my Lord, and by God’s grace I will be dwell with Him forever!
  • While it will be difficult for you to survive, it is not too late for you to be saved, and I urge you to put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior.
    • Read Romans 3:23, and Romans 6:23
    • Admit that you are a sinner and realize you cannot save yourself by your good works or religious zeal. Read John 3:15 and Romans 5:8
    • By faith alone, believe that Jesus was Who He said He was, and that He did what He said He did, for the reason He said He did it, and that He did it for you. Read Romans 10:1-13
    • Call upon the name of the Lord, and TRUST Him by faith to be your Savior. Read Revelation 14:9-11
  • Whatever you do, DO NOT take the Mark of the Beast, for if you do, you will be damned forever. It would be better to struggle for a few years, and even die of starvation, than to suffer for all eternity.
  • Since you will probably be martyred for your faith in Christ, do not fear death, for it is the doorway into everlasting life.
  • Run, hide, abandon all means of technology, for it will be used to track you down and force you into compliance.
  • Develop a community of fellow-believers for help and protection.
    • However, do not put your trust in any denomination of organized religion.
    • There will be a great harvest of souls after the Rapture (Revelation 7:9-14Revelation 11Isaiah 26:9Revelation 14:6).
    • Some will repent once they see their loved ones missing and they finally realize the results of their unbelief.
    • Others will receive the gospel message from the 144,000 Jewish witnesses or the two witnesses in Jerusalem, or the angel of God who takes the gospel to the end of the world.
  • If, by God’s grace, you survive the next seven years, you will enter into the Millennial Kingdom, and the days of your life will be lengthened. I look forward to seeing you there! The first step is to fall on your knees and cry out unto the Lord for His Help! He will hear you.