Steve Mullin (18 Dec 2022)
"Bourla's Troubling Statement at the WEF"

I believe his statement was given in early December of this year, but he claims that when he began his mission in 2019 and met with other members, the goal was to reduce the number of people in the world dramatically--50% BY 2023! Here's that clip:

Bill Gates has been on record for years saying, "If we do a good job with vaccines and reproductive health, we can lower the population by 10-15%. That alone is an unbelievably nefarious statement. Wouldn't improving healthcare increase the population? 

The part that keeps troubling me is that one, Pfizer's Bourla confirms that they should hit the 50% goal in 2023 sometime--he's confident that 50% of the population will be dead by next year!? Two, the sheep in the audience clap that he is going to hit his goal of eliminating half of the world's population??? Three, right now we are seemingly on pace to lose 5% of the population if that. So why the jump from 5% to 50%? What does he know that we don't? 

I've always enjoyed the James Bond movies. No Time to Die was scheduled to come out right as Covid was beginning but was then postponed until it was released in October 2021. I immediately went to see it and felt like it was almost a sign given the subject of the movie. I'll post the brief synopsis as it relates to Covid and their agenda:

Five years later, MI6 scientist Valdo Obruchev is kidnapped from an MI6 laboratory. Approved by M, Obruchev has developed "Project Heracles", a bioweapon containing nanobots that infect like a virus upon touch and are coded to an individual's specific DNA, rendering it lethal to the target but harmless to others...


They infiltrate Safin's headquarters and learn that Safin has converted the base into a nanobot factory, where he has Obruchev create millions of nanobots so that he can unleash them globally to kill millions of people and establish a new world order for himself. Bond kills many of Safin's men while Nomi kills Obruchev by pushing him into a vat of nanobots.

The full synopsis is about half way down the page at this link:

In the movie, the scientist "activates" something that all of a sudden kills everyone who is infected at one time. What if the injection is the trojan horse and now they can hit their 50% goal once it is "activated" like in the movie? I've read of military experiments and weather experiments used by the military I think called HAARP and DARPA, but don't know much about them. 

By the way, the name of the villain in the movie is Lyutsifer Safin 

May as well be Lucifer Satan.

Of course the news has been filled lately with a new more serious variant developing that is filling hospitals. And at least 5 times a day I hear commercials about getting jabbed and how safe it is brought to you by Pfizer as well as irregular heartbeat, afib, breathing problems ads. What bizarre times!

Steve M