Neil Lipken (18 Dec 2022)
"The 2020 Presidential Election was total fraud, and many people know it!"

The New World Order folks were desperate to get rid of President Trump so they could get back to their plans for a One World Government at the expense of America as we have known her.   Could President Trump be reinstated?   Well, we don't know if that might happen.   He did in fact win the 2020 election!   But after the soon upcoming Rapture, the antichrist will appear on the global stage and he will head the global government.   Seven years later at the Second Coming, Jesus (Israel's long rejected Messiah) will head up the TRUE one world government as He rules from Jerusalem over all the nations!   

P.S.   Clinton, Bush, and Obama were all staunch globalists doing the will of their "handlers" (like George Soros and many others behind the scenes).