Gino (18 Dec 2022)
"RE: John Tng: 12.11.22: File Explorer or Finder?"

In your response to Chance, you wrote:
Each time I prepare your letters for posting, the number 793 will be staring out at me from my File Explorer or Finder. :) "

"File Explorer or Finder"
Does that mean that you use both Mac and Windows?

For years I used both separately, then some time back the Intel Mac came out with Boot Camp, but then there was Parallels on the Mac, running Windows.
So, at one time, I was running the latest Mac OS, while, with Parallels, simultaneously running 3 different versions of Windows (XP, Vista, and 10, I believe).
Since at work we used Windows, but that software needed to be supported for different Windows versions, and so I could therefore do all that work from home on the Mac.
Also, at work, in our department, we were Mac Developers from the time that Apple offered color graphics on the Mac II.
We developed dynamic simulations of refinery processes that our company licensed, that we all had experience running.

geek city!  I'm sorry that I went waaaaaay off tangent with this.
Wow! Thanks for sharing the geek stuff, Gino. Cool!
Yes, I use both Mac & Windows.