Fay (18 Dec 2022)
"Netanyahu. Last Chance Saloon! Bad Tidings."


Hi John and Doves,

This article proves that Bibi is NOT going to fulfil the Bibilcal mandate for Israel. He plans to run Israel as a 'liberal, nationalist government' with room for all religions etc. This falls way short of what Almighty God requires from the Jewish people (the Chosen) and from the way His Holy Land should be administered. Netanyahu is going to be sobbing into his soup when the plop hits the fan.

It's not as if Netanyahu is unaware of the Biblical mandates required of Israel and the Jewish people. He is VERY much aware. Ignorance cannot be used as an excuse here. Because of this, the world is living on borrowed time now.

Just as America, UK, Europe etc., are being mismanaged by incompetent, greedy fools - it seems that Israel is suffering the same malaise. Except that Israel is supposed to be a light to the nations! My sense of foreboding is growing.

Please come, LORD Jesus.

Netanyahu: This will be a ‘liberal-nationalist’ government - JNS.org