Fay (18 Dec 2022)
"Lewis re Climate Change Lockdowns UK"


Hi Lewis, John and Doves,

Yip - all true. Your post linked below. I happen to live in Oxfordshire and this notice has really put the cat amongst the pigeons. You are probably not familiar with the engine workings of the British people, so I will enlighten you. Hahaha. They are very tolerant, generous to charitable giving and have enormous amounts of empathy with refugees and displaced people. But - they have a temper bar none. Back in the 80's, when Margaret Thatcher tried to enforce another tax on an already beleaguered nation, suffering through yet another 'recession', the Brits went berserk. Their reaction brought the Thatcher government down. This latest stuff will NOT fly. Seriously - watch this space.

The powers-that-be have tried the American idea of transexuals reading stories to children in public libraries. Oh, my goodness - people went stark, raving mad with rage. It has not been attempted again in quite a while now. Lol! Another case in point is when the Black Lives Matter movement tried its luck in UK. It's a rather dark story, for which we've had no closure. The main leader of the movement attended a crowded party in a residential home. There were a lot of people at the party. The official media story is that a 'drive-by shooter' (read 'accurate sniper') shot her in the head. She was standing in the middle of a crowded room!! The 'drive by shooter' was pretty skilled! He hit her and her alone. She is still in a coma in hospital with half her head shot away. The BLM debacle went away very quickly after that.

The Stop Oil activists are still causing drama and stress. Because their cause is somewhat aspirational, the Brits have been fairly tolerant. It's treated as just another stress in these difficult times. But, they have recently over-stepped the line. The Brits are now fed up with this nonsense. They have begun to actively deal with these irritants - dragging them off the roads while the so-called police stand and watch and do nothing. The result is a distinct drop in the Stop Oil drama. Our government know when they have pushed the boundaries. They get (rightfully) scared of the people.

How long this will continue is anyone's guess. But the Oxfordshire debacle is one to watch.

Blessings to you, Lewis. And to all the Doves.

Climate Change lockdowns now being imposed (fivedoves.com)