Anthony Mak (18 Dec 2022)
"Summary of Jesus's prophesied THIRD ( 3rd ) Day...."

1) The Church and the World had entered INTO the Lord's 3rd Day since 1969 after the expiry of the World's 6th Day and the Lord's TWO ( 2 ) days.
2) The hidden 3rd Day of the Lord MUST be fulfilled BEFORE the prophesied 7th Day of the World can even begin its final 1,000 prophetic years cycle.
3) The 3rd Day was planned and hidden by God in the beginning because of His Longsuffering towards Mankind and His not willing that any should perish, however, even that have a beginning and an ending and that's why it will all happen "early in the morning "of the 3rd Day and will not go longer than that.
4) The 3rd Day should also be called the "3rd Day of Jesus's 1st coming and His crucifixion and resurrection" where He actually did prophesy that everything will be completed in "3 Days" when He said "destroy this temple and IN 3 DAYS it will be "raised up".
5)  The 3rd Day BRIDGES ALL the "3rd Day" prophecies in the old and new testament and will find its complete and total fulfillment TOGETHER for the Church and Israel!
6) There will be TWO weddings inside the 3rd Day, one for the Church and the other for Israel at the end of their 7 years tribulation and therefore will be about 7 years apart from each other.
7) The 3rd Day is the "appointed" time or "appointed day" of the Lord that will most likely be 60 prophetic years long as hinted by the Lord Himself when HE attended the wedding at Cana "on the 3rd day"and turning the water into wine in SIX ( 6 ) ceremonial water jars that were either 20 or 30 gals each signifying to those who will understand in the latter times that THIS "Appointed Day" will begin immediately after the 6 water jars representing earth's 6,000 years were "full" and CAN even go into ANOTHER extra 60 years if the water jars were 30 gals each and so HE may have even FIXED the maximum time of the 3rd Day where HE CAN legally bring about the completion of the 3rd Day since 1969 at any time INSIDE that 3rd day after the 6,000 years were "full" BUT it can also be stretched for up to another 60 prophetic years for the sake of His longsuffering for Mankind and that's why no man will know the day and the hour........

In conclusion, THE LORD REMEMBERS HIS PROMISES TO BOTH ISRAEL AND HIS CHURCH and is about to bring ALL of these promises to a full and climatic end starting with the Rapture of His Church first AND THEN, to Israel 7 years later BEFORE HE even begins His 1000 years rule on the earth. Amen! EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS!!! IT IS TIME!!!