Ray (19 Dec 2021)
"2300 days in my timeline"

John and Doves,

Let's use this timeline of July 17 2023 to Pentecost June 9 2030 to construct 2300 days.

2300 days ends with sanctuary is cleansed, Holy is restored on Pentecost June 9 2030. Subtract 2300 days from June 9 2030, we have Feb 21 2024 as the day for the Jews to re-institute and restore the daily sacrifice. Feb 21 2024 is Adar 12. On sunset Adar 12, Adar 13 begins. What is so significant with Adar 13? In the book of Esther, Haman plans to kill all the Israelis on Adar 13.  But because of Esther, Israelis turn around on Adar 13 and kills all their enemies.

It is very significant for the Jews to restore their daily sacrifice on sunset Adar 12, which is to commemorate the death of their enemy incited by Haman. This time their enemy is Gog and his army. They have just witnessed the miracle from God and how God defends them during the battle of Gog/Magog. They also witness the death of Gog and his army. This is why they choose Adar 13 ( sunset Adar 12) to reinstitute the daily sacrifice, and reminds the nations not to come forward against them, because they have God of Israel protecting them.

Reinstitution of daily sacrifice, Sunset Adar 12 Feb 21 2024------- 2300 evenings and mornings of sacrifice --------- Pentecost June 9 2030, sanctuary is cleansed, holy is restored.

Rapture on July 17 2023. Immediate after rapture, and since rapture cripples US and EU, Russia together with Iran Turkey shall launch attack against Israel. But to amass hundreds of thousands of ground troops and tanks, they need at least few months to prepare this war. By October 2023, the battle of Gog/Magog begins. Since God intervenes, this battle shall be short and decisive.  By December  the battle is over. 

On sunset Adar 12 2024 which corresponds to Adar 13, the Jews re-institute the daily sacrifice to honor God. They pick Adar 13 because they also want to remind nations not to go against them, because they have God of Israel protecting them, and Haman and Gog are the perfect examples of the tragic consequence of being Israel's enemy.
