Ray (19 Dec 2021)

John and Doves,

Paul teaches three phases of resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15.

The Order of Resurrection

20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24 Then cometh the end,

I am incorporating the number 153 into these three phases of resurrection.

First phase: Christ the firstfruit, represented by the number 3. Christ rose from death in the third day.

Second phase: They that are Christ's at his coming. "They" is the church which belongs to Christ at his coming, represented by 100. This is pretribulation rapture. 100 is 100th day from First Fruit.

Third phase: Then comes the end. The end is the end of tribulation. This final phase of resurrection is represented by the number 50 Pentecost. They are the martyred saints in Revelation 20:4. I believe the martyred saints shall receive their resurrection on Pentecost so that they can partake the feast offering in Pentecost.

July 17 Tamuz 28 2023 --------- 2520 days -------- Pentecost June 9 2030

July 17 Tamuz 28 2023 is 100th day from First Fruit April 9 2023. If the number 100 in 153 points to rapture.

And I had a strange encounter in 2012 January 15. It was a Sunday. I came home from church as usual. Went to my computer desk as usual. At around 2:20 pm my local time, all of sudden I heard a loud noise like thunder, and my desk started to tremble from right to left. I thought  it was an earthquake. I went downstairs to ask my wife and my daughter if they experienced an earthquake. They said no and nothing shaking in the house. I remember Sunday 2:20. pm since. Something huge shall happen around Sunday 2:20 pm my local time in future.  Now,  July 17 Tammuz 28  2023 is Monday. From Matthew 25, a midnight cry occurs , the bridegroom calls the wise virgins home. Tammuz 28 begins on sunset Sunday July 16.  Midnight on Tammuz 28  points to 12 am on July 17 which corresponds to my local time Sunday 2 pm ( Jerusalem is 10 hours ahead of my local time ). If Jesus calls the church home at  midnight Tammuz 28, which corresponds to my Sunday 2:20 pm, then it may answer why I heard a thundering noise and shaking on Sunday 2:20 pm.

Since my encounter in 2012, I always fell rapture shall occur around 2:20 pm Sunday my local time Vancouver Canada, which corresponds to midnight Jerusalem on Monday, and in this case, the midnight on July 17 Tamuz 28 Monday Jerusalem time.

153 consists of three numbers. They are 3, 50, 100.

3 is three days event in Crucifixion/ Passover, Burial / Unleavened Bread, and Resurrection/ First Fruit. To be exact, 3 represents the third day which is First Fruit. 50 is Pentecost which is 50 days from First Fruit.  Since 50 is 50 days from First Fruit, 100 should be 100 days from First Fruit also. 

July 17 Tamuz 28 2023 Rapture -------- 2520 days --------- Pentecost June 9 2030 End of 1335 days, end of tribulation.

Jesus returns on first fruit April 21 2030 to fulfill Daniel's 7 weeks prophecy.

In this timeline, we find 3, 50, and 100. Rapture occurs on Tamuz 28 2023 which is 100th day from first fruit 2023. Jesus returns in third day (3) first fruit 2030. Tribulation wraps up on the 50th day Pentecost 2030.

The number 153 may give us the timeline of 7 years tribulation.
