John and Doves,
Why am I so certain that the 7 weeks in Daniel's 70 weeks points to First Fruit and Pentecost? It is because out of the seven feasts of the Lord, there is a seven weeks known as Feast of Weeks that matches the 7 weeks in Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy. This Feast of Weeks begins on First Fruit, and ends on Pentecost 7 weeks after. God would not have spoken another 7 weeks in Daniel 9:25 except He points the 7 weeks to the Feast of Weeks. He ordained this Feast of Weeks since Israelis left Egypt and arrived at Mount Sinai. Simply put, when God ordained this Feast of Week in 1443 BC, He has already foreseen Christ return to Jerusalem on First Fruit, and wraps up the tribulation 49 days later on Pentecost. He hid this secret until He inserted this 7 weeks into Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy.
Daniel's 7 weeks prophecy = Feast of Weeks ( 7 weeks ) which begins on First Fruit and ends on Pentecost.
The real challenge is, we need to identify the correct counting of these Feast of Weeks. We have to go by Sadducee's method because Frist Fruit and Pentecost are always on Sunday. Pharisees is wrong by having both day on a fixated day.
Also, there are two harvests in the seven feasts of the Lord. The first harvest is First Fruit. Jesus came and fulfill crucifixion and resurrection. We are experiencing this first harvest known as Age of Grace. The second harvest takes place on Pentecost when the wheat is crushed in order to bring flour. This second harvest shall take place during tribulation. Wheat are crushed implies tough and difficult times for the Jews and tribulation believers to come to Christ during this horrible period of time. Many of them shall be killed because of their testimony. But anyway, tribulation shall be wrapped up on Pentecost. God shall collect the second harvest on Pentecost.