Greg Wilson (26 Dec 2021)
"Re: Donna Dana (19 Dec 2021) and Greg A. (19 Dec 2021)"

Re: Donna Dana (19 Dec 2021) and Greg A. (19 Dec 2021)

Conflating the Scriptures: A Fundamental Failure to Doctrinally Divide the Word of God


The Essentials of the Faith:   Salvation doctrine is one of the “essentials of the faith”.  When a church member professes a doctrinal belief which contradicts an essential of the faith, reproof and correction are necessary.  This correction should be gentle but stern with an essential of the faith.  Paul, in 2 Timothy provides guidance.  Paul states in 2 Timothy 2:24-26 the following:


24And the servant of the Lord must not strive (quarrel), but be gentle unto all men (and women), apt to teach, patient, 25In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; 26 And that they may recover (come to their senses) themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.”


Non-essentials of the faith are not worthy of argument, quarreling and division.


2 Timothy 2:15 KJB states:


15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  (King James Bible)


If your bible does not contain the phrase “rightly dividing the word of truth”, then you should consider studying doctrine and prophecy with the King James Bible (KJB).  The KJB is singularly and archeologically unique.  It is the only Bible which originates from the “majority text” of extant biblical archeological manuscript evidence.  You see, there are two bibles in circulation today.  All modern bibles originate from the “minority text” which represents 5% of the extant archeological manuscript evidence.  Whereas, the majority text, the King James alone, originates from 95% of the extant archeological manuscript evidence.  If you were in a court of law, the majority of evidence or proof would necessarily prevail. 


Why do we need to divide the word of truth?  Because the Bible is written to three groups: (1) Jews, (2) Church and (3) Gentiles.   Keep this in mind when searching and studying Scripture.  All scripture should be studied in the context of  (1) history, (2) doctrine, and (3) inspirational or spiritual application.  The bible is a history book dealing with history of past, present and future. Prophecy is future history from a divine perspective. The Bible is a history book.  


2 Timothy 3:16 states:  16All scripture is given by God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.  (King James Bible)


Bible doctrine is of primary importance:  Let’s define doctrine.  It is a set of beliefs held or taught by a church.  In our case, biblical doctrines are Christ’s truths.  Biblical doctrine is first on God’s list of inspired scripture.  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for (1) doctrine, (2) for reproof, (3) for correction, and (4) for instruction in righteousness. God’s doctrines are essentials of the faith.  Observe that doctrine is first on the list followed by reproof (disapproval for error) and correction (a process of correcting error)  and finally instruction in righteousness (application of the scriptures to one’s life, ie inspirational or spiritual application regardless of doctrinal focus).  Let’s take the doctrine of salvation.  It is plainly stated in Ephesians 2:8-9 which says: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; Not of works, lest any man should boast.”  An example of fundamental doctrinal error would be adding works, worthy works, as an additional salvation requirement.  Such an addition directly contradicts God’s salvation doctrine.   In other words, this is a doctrine of demons, plainly stating that Christ’s death alone is insufficient for salvation. This is patent heresy.


Why would someone try to add works?   Because that person has a fundamental misunderstanding of the doctrinal divisions of scripture.  That person fails to rightly divide the scriptures.   The addition of works mixes biblical doctrine aimed at tribulation Jews in Daniel’s 70th week. The Bible will be used by “Remnant Israel” during Daniel’s 70th week.   Where is there an example of a works and faith type of salvation in the New Testament that might confuse a person?  Matthew 24:48-51, Luke 21:42-44, and Revelation 3:35,7:13-14,12:17, 14:12 19:8 provide examples of taking Jewish biblical doctrine out of Daniel’s 70th week and applying it to Church age Christians. 


Scripture has doctrinal orientations:  Why?  Because scripture to three specific groups.  There is Jewish doctrine, applicable to Daniel’s 70th week, when the apostate Jewish nation known as Israel today, will receive Jesus, also known as “remnant Israel” in the Old Testament.   By way of example, Jewish salvation doctrine in the New Testament is not applicable to the Church because it contradicts Church salvation doctrine.  Jewish doctrine is applicable inspirationally to the Church, but not doctrinally directed at the Church.  Church doctrine is not applicable to Jewish doctrine, however is may be applied inspirationally during Daniel’s 70th week.  Biblically, there are passages which speak directly to the lost who represent those who have rejected Paul’s gospel of grace, Jew and Gentile. An example of a lost group begins in Romans 2 which follows the excoriating indictment of the lost in Romans 1.   “Rightly dividing” the scriptures, as commanded by God, is necessary for avoiding doctrinal confusion.  Paul states that in “latter times” some shall depart sound doctrine and profess doctrinal error. (1 Timothy 4:1-2)


This is not a simple matter. It is complicated.  Sometimes the doctrinal message can be to the Church followed by Jewish doctrine aimed at tribulation Jews.  These “back and forth” dispensational applications within the scriptures takes serious searching and studying as noted in 2 Timothy 2:15 and John 5:39.   Searching and studying God’s words is an incredible privilege which should be approached humbly and reverently.   We should all abhor error, especially those of us who share our beliefs and understandings with the body of Christ!  You must study!


A substantial portion of the New Testament is written to Jews now so they can find their Messiah in this age.  However, after the resurrection/rapture event, the New Testament be used by Jews in Daniel’s 70th week, also called the “time of Jacobs Trouble.  (Jeremiah 30:7, Ezekiel 20:34-38, Romans 9:27, 11:26) The Book of Revelation is the counterpart to Daniel 9:27. The 70th week salvation will be different than the Church age salvation. It will be works and faith. (Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 20:4-5)  The four gospels and some of Paul’s epistles are principally Jewish in their doctrine, but inspirationally very relevant to the Church for instruction in righteous living.  All scripture is good for training in righteous behavior as we grow in Christian maturity.


The Book of James is addressed to the 12 tribes of Israel, not the Church. (James 1:1)  Inspirationally, this book is good for Christian training in righteousness.  Certainly, James 2:21 does not apply to the Church for James says that Abraham was justified by works implying a works/faith salvation, but we have Ephesians 2:8-9 saying the opposite to the Church. Such scriptures emphasize the need to correctly doctrinally divide the word of truth.  The Church is justified/saved by faith in Jesus’ atoning works.  Our salvation is independent of our works because Jesus did it alone, once for all.  Our works are a response to our present spiritual transformation and our yielding to Christ.  Christian works will form the basis of rewards at the Bema Seat following the Resurrection/Rapture event.  These works will form a basis for an inheritance yet to be disclosed.


There are hundreds of examples of these “dispensational differences” in the Bible.  If you cannot doctrinally divide the important ones dealing with the fundamentals of salvation and the essentials of the faith, you will fall into great error. 


If you having trouble understanding what I am saying, and you truly desire to know correct bible doctrine, you should consider studying. 


I encourage everyone to look at Tim Morton’s webpage.  His dispensational bible study work is available online at:


or you can buy his pamphlet.  He provides abundant simple explanations and examples:


Tim’s simple book will walk you through the bible dispensations so you can learn to rightly divide the Scriptures.  He follows Clarence Larkin summarizing his seminal work on Dispensational Truth.


Sincerely, Greg Wilson