Garry B (5 Dec 2021)
"REPLY TO: Donna Dana ( 28 Nov 2021) RE: 1,260 days"

Hi Donna  ,

Here is the  NASA  Lunar Calendar for the next three years which is computer calculated  by the appearance of the  New Moon over Jerusalem  by the hand of God :

New Moon of Nisan 1, 2022        to        New Moon  of  Tishri 1 , 2025        =     1,270 days   minus  10 days  =  1,260 days   =   Nisan 10, 2022    =    April 11, 2022

April 1, 2022                                             September 22 , 2025

New Moon of Nisan 1, 2023         to        New Moon  of  Tishri 1, 2026         =     1,270 days   minus 10 days  =  1,260 days    =  Nisan 10 , 2023   =     April 1 , 2023 

March 21 , 2023                                        September 11, 2026

New Moon of Nisan 1, 2024         to        New Moon  of  Tishri 1, 2027         =     1,270 days   minus  10 days =  1,260 days    =   Nisan 10 , 2024   =     April 20, 2024

April 8, 2024                                              September 30, 2027

The above schedule is the actual moon schedule. The Hebrews set their religious schedule dates according to two witness sightings of the first appearance of the New Moon cresent after sunset in the Western sky. That accounts for the  variance between the actual NASA schedule, and the Hebrew calendar schedule. According to God's  hand there are always 1 ,270 days between the New Moon of Nisan 1, and the New Moon of Tishri 1,  42  months later. Therefore 1,270  days minus 10 days always equals 1,260 days between Nisan 10 , and Tishri 1, 42 months later

Blessings to you.