Garry B (12 Dec 2021)


We are now living in the 'TIME OF SORROWS' that Jesus said would lead up to the Gog-Magog War which is the "shortened" Great Tribulation upon ONLY Israel  BEFORE  the Great Tribulation then comes upon the WHOLE WORLD AFTER the rapture of His Body of Christ Church. 

When Jesus gave His Olivet Discourse to His disciples, the evening before He was crucified, it was in response to the question  ,  "What shall be THE SIGN of thy coming ?" In response to that question Jesus gave a chronological order of events which would occur, over the course of time, that would mark the nearness of His next coming in the future. Therefore, he gave us His calendar of events. ie. His CHRONOLOGICAL SCHEDULE OF COMING  EVENTS for us to watch for to indicate the nearness of His next appearing. They are recorded in Matthew 24:3-31.

All of the events which are recorded from Matthew 24:3 through Matthew 24:6 have already happened, therefore we are now living in the 'TIME OF SORROWS' spoken of in :

Matthew 24:7-8  ( Jesus speaking )

"For nation shall  rise up against nation , and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be FAMINES, and PESTILENCES ( pandemics), and EARTHQUAKES in diverse places. All these are the BEGINNING OF SORROWS."

Matthew 24:9-13    Jesus then describes the events which will occur during the 'time of sorrows' leading up to the GOG-MAGOG WAR of the "shortened" Great Tribulation of Israel which comes JUST BEFORE the resurrection/rapture of His Body of Christ Church. .

Matthew 24:14  ( Jesus speaking )

 ".....and then THE END SHALL COME." ( In the following Scriptures Jesus describes the events of "THE END". 

Matthew 24:15 ( Jesus speaking )

"And when you ( Israel )  shall see the abomination of desolation ( ie. the Gog-Magog Army ) stand in the Holy Place ( the Holy Land ).........." ( The "abomination of desolation" IS NOT the anti-Christ )

Matthew 24:16  ( Jesus speaking )

"Then let them which  BE IN JUDEA flee to the mountains." ( the reason that Jesus SPECIFICALLY warns those who are RESIDING IN JUDEA to flee is because the Gog-Magog War of the "shortened" Great Tribulation BEGINS in Judea ( Israel ) according to what Jesus says next : 

Matthew 24:21   ( Jesus speaking )

 "For then SHALL BE GREAT TRIBULATION ( in the land of Israel )"

Matthew 24:22-26  Jesus then  describes the events which will occur during the Gog-Magog War which is the "SHORTENED"  Great Tribulation  of Israel BEFORE the resurrection/rapture of His Church.

Matthew 24:29

"IMMEDIATELY AFTER the tribulation OF THOSE DAYS ( in  Israel )........."


Matthew 24:27-31  Jesus describes HIS COMING, "AS THE LIGHTNING", to resurrect/rapture "HIS ELECT" Body of Christ Church "IMMEDIATELY 'AFTER' THE TRIBULATION  OF THOSE DAYS" in Israel which are "THOSE DAYS" of  the "SHORTENED" great tribulation of Israel that is the Gog-Magog War  that occurs JUST BEFORE the  resurrection/rapture of "HIS ELECT" Body of Christ Church.    

According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !