Fay (26 Dec 2021)
"More about Psalm 83"


Hi John and Doves,

Although the current day threat to Israel emanates mainly from Iran - Iran (Persia) is not specifically named as one of the attacking nations in Psalm 83. BUT - all of the nations mentioned all hold proxy armies who are financed and directed by Iran. We know these Iranian proxy armies are currently all around Israel. Armed with rockets and drones etc. So, although Iran itself is not attacking from it's own land - it is attacking via it's proxies.

Iran joins in with all the nations in the Ezekiel 38 war. This adds to my growing belief that the Psalm 83 war takes place prior to Ezekiel 38. I am also convinced that these wars happen very close to each other.

The nations mentioned in Psalm 83 are:-

Tents of Edom.....and the Ishmaelites of:







I have linked a Wikipedia article below which has all the nations above with the explanation of where these nations are today. Simply hover the name with your cursor and the information will come up. Scroll down the article to the title Verses 6 - 8. This is where you will find all the names.
