Fay (19 Dec 2021)
"Buckle Up Tight!"


Hi John and Doves,

Wow! It's obvious that things are heating up. We are fast approaching the point where "we can see that day approaching". It's important to remind ourselves that this all being ALLOWED to happen. Almighty God is always fully in control and these things were prophesied to happen. This is all to bring people to God. For it is His desire that none are lost.

This is such a good antidote for any fear or anger we are (rightfully) feeling. We can watch the insane antics of our politicians without feeling panicked and angry. We can sneer at the Fauci's and Whitty's of this world. The Bill Gates and the Obamas. KNOWING that our beloved LORD is always in control of everything. I can't help feeling excited, Doves. All the insanity and evil means that we are to get ready to meet our precious Saviour !!! How incredibly is that?

The news in the links below assures me that the end-game is in sight.

Please come, LORD Jesus. Praying always for the peace of Jerusalem.

