Fay (19 Dec 2021)
"Gino re What can Compare."


Hi Gino. A beautiful post from last week. Linked below.

I am with Garry B all the way regarding a shortened great trib, as you know. Many Christians are waiting for a 3rd man-made Temple to be built which the AC can plonk himself in and blaspheme etc. Which is one of the reasons why some still cling to the idea of a 7 year tribulation period.

Your beautiful post highlighted the New Jerusalem - which comes down from Heaven. In fabulous splendour and glory. Born again believers are promised that we will serve in the glorious Temple. Which - by ALL things logical - will be housed in the New Jerusalem, which comes down from Heaven. I don't think scripture could be any clearer. Almighty God will NOT recognise any man-made temple as His Holy Temple. It's a ridiculous thought.

Natan also testified that the Temple will descend from Heaven. Rabbi Glazerson has codes that say the same. I don't pretend to know the kind of spiritual war that will ensue here on earth. I do know who the winner will be! Thank the LORD. It is becoming clearer that there will be a visible manifestation of war between good and evil - here on earth. Does the man of sin actually sit in God's Temple after it has descended from Heaven? Or.......??? This is certainly massive food for thought.

God's Blessing to you, Gino - and to all the Doves.
