Fay (19 Dec 2021)
"Fear is a Powerful Tool."


Another brilliant video clip in the link from Neil Oliver at GB News. Neil has rejected the media induced fearmongering. Everything he says in the clip is music to the ears. Strangely - he brings up the fact that Christmas is suppose to be the time we focus on the coming of Jesus Christ. It struck me as unusual. A brief sharp reminder in the midst of all the fear.

The UK government have lost their credibility now. Their partying has been revealed. They were kicking up their heels and living life whilst the rest of us all cowered in our homes. Forced there by the government diktats. Neil doesn't bring up the other anomalies the political elite have indulged in. The ridiculous COP26 shindig in Scotland springs to mind. In the name of "climate change" they all flew into Glasgow on private jets - then swanned around, mask free, for photo opportunities with the world press. This is blatant mentally retarded type behaviour, Doves. They honestly believe we are all stupid.

I am praying that the powers that be do not target Neil Oliver. I pray the LORD God protects Neil and his family.

In Jesus' beloved Name.
