Fay (19 Dec 2021)
"Ezekiel 38 v Psalm 83"


Hi John and Doves,

Ezekiel 38 talks about an invasion on Israel by all the nations. It talks about Israel being a nation that has recovered from war. An unsuspecting nation that is now living in peace and security. Israel has "unwalled villages" in Ezekiel 38. Israel is being described as a nation that is breathing a sigh of relief after a war. She is not expecting further war. Israel is taken by surprise by the Gog/Magog attack. Does this describe Israel right now? Absolutely not! Israel is on high alert for an attack from Iran. Israel is hyper aware that Iran and it's proxies have thousands of rockets aimed at her from all directions. What war is Israel recovering from, in Ezekiel 38? The Psalm 83 war, is what.

Ezekiel 38 names the nations attacking as:

Gog - the USA (Obama - according to Natan's prophecy)

Gomer - Germany (NATO)

Meshek and Tubal - Ukraine and surrounds.

Beth Togarmah - Turkey

Ezekiel 38 describes Gog as being the chief prince of Meshek and Tubal. Huh! It's a commonly known fact that the USA dictates to Ukraine. When the USA says "Jump", Ukraine replies, "How high". We are all familiar with the Hunter Biden laptop revelations and how much filthy money they are making out of Ukraine. When Russia invades Ukraine, the USA military will head there in droves. They already have military bases and equipment in that region. So, yes - the USA is chief prince of Ukraine (Meshek and Tubal) and her surrounds. The USA has a military base in Beth Togarmah (Turkey) called Incirlik Airbase. This base has massive armaments at Incirlik. Loads of tactical nuclear weapons are stored there. Among them are up to 50 B61 nuclear bombs! Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Sip on a good malt whisky while you're at it.

Psalm 83 names the nations who attack Israel as the surrounding Arab nations. No mention of others. I am now convinced that Israel will be attacked WHILE the nations are at war with Russia. Ezekiel 38 describes Gog being pulled down from "the far north". Where will the USA military be during the coming world war? In the far north - to be precise. I put it to you that Iran will take advantage of the war going on over in Russia/Ukraine and attack Israel while the rest of the world are distracted.....a la Psalm 83. Israel will go on the immediate defensive and destroy Damascus - which is known to store vast weapons of mass destruction beneath Damascus airport. This is Isaiah 17. The destruction of Damascus. Israel is recovering from the Psalm 83 war just prior to the Ezekiel 38 invasion. I realise this sounds muddled, Doves but it really isn't.

Think of Natan's prophecy. The 15 year old lad was shown that a world war will break out prior to Israel being attacked by all the nations. At first, Israel will not be involved - then, the nations will unite and attack Israel. Natan was adamant that Obama is Gog and that Gog will bring his whole army over to that region. This puts Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 into perfect perspective.

Which brings me to the Dry Bones Prophecy in Ezekiel 37. Could this be describing the resurrection of the dead? Seriously - read it again (linked below). We know that the resurrection of the dead occurs moments before the rapture. Also - remember Natan's prophecy where he describes the dead rising out of their graves. This makes me think that the rapture (which occurs immediately after the resurrection of the dead in Christ) will happen prior to the Gog/Magog war yet after the Isaiah 17 prophecy of the destruction of Damascus?

I have run out of time to explore this further, Doves. It's late on Saturday evening here in the UK. We are coming up to Christmas and there are a million things to do. This subject deserves the devotion of a clever prophecy watcher. For example - as Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83 have juxtaposing numbers - 38/83 - I began exploring corresponding Psalms to ancient prophecies, using the same method. For example - Isaiah 17 has echoes in Psalm 71. Ezekiel 39 has echoes in Psalm 93. At a brief glance, the same happens (sometimes) when one matches a prophecy with the same Psalm number. There is a definite pattern there that I, sadly, haven't had enough time to study.


