Dear Doves:
Barbara Francis received the message that 12-21-2021 is a marker in MY Time.12/21 was Winter Solstice and 1 year from Christmas Star.And I find that it's 17 days from Winter Solstice to Epiphany on 1/6/22.12 represnts Church Age, New Jerusalem and Government Change.17 means Victory and is the number of 153.1/6/22 is the 4th day of Shevat, the 11th and the 5th month.The meaning of 11 and 5 is Judgment and Grace.Byron received the message that Judgment and Glory come at the same time.The 4th day of Shevat fits to $2.34.Vincent Tan had an experience with the Angel who left $2.34 on 12/23 in 1993.It's 28 years(14x2) and 14 days from the encounter to Epiphany.14 means Salvation.The central branch of Menorah is called "Shamash" which represents the Lord.If this principle is applied to the period of 12/21 to 1/6/22, the mid-point is 12/29.12/29 is 8 days from 12/21 and 8 days to 1/6/22.8 means New Birth and New Beginning.And it's possible that something big could occur on 12/29 as the sign for the Lord's coming.Dan received the message that soon I shall go silent then My Judgment shall cover the land.It says "The heavens shall erupt in fire" which fits to 1 Peter 3:10 and 1 Thessalonians 5:3.The period from Christmas to New Year Eve fits to 1 Thessalonians 5:3 and Matthew 24:38.People all over the world wish Peace and Safety for the new year as they enjoy many parties.Purim 2022 begins from the sunset of March 16.It's 70 days from 1/6 to 3/16.Will the Remnant witness for 70 days instead of 40 days?Purim 2022(3/16) is 4400 days(12 years 17 days or 144 months 17 days) from the 8.8 Sign on Purim.Hopefully this scenario becomes a reality this time.Maranatha!