Elliot Hong (19 Dec 2021)
"The Full Moon of Tevet is 460 Days from The Abraham Accords"

Dear Doves:

In 5 days after the tragedy in Mayfield, the second deadly tornadoes hit the Midwest.
"Second Deadly Tornado Outbreak In A Week"
As I understand, the second tornadoes moved through the New Madrid fault line.

Here is a message of "Handmaid of the Most High" which is introduced on 12/16.
(I found out that this site just has been suspended as I finished to write this letter. Hopefully it'll be reopened soon)
When she woke up on 11/29, repeatedly heard "December 11, 2021" and had a tremendous feeling of impending doom for the US.
And when she woke up on 12/11, found out that the tornadoes devastated 6 States.
She also received "After these storms bring great destruction, then comes the ultimate destruction, particularly for the land situated on the Mississippi River and New Madrid fault."

God warned many times to America not to divide the Holy Land.
We all know what the consequence will be if she disobeys.
The Lord told Elizabeth Marie that The Abraham Accords is the signpost and  keep her eyes on it.
The full moon of Tevet(12/19) is 460 days from the Abraham Accords, and 460 is double 23 x 10.
23 means Death.
"The Abraham Accord"
And I remember someone had a vision that the New Madrid earthquake occurs in the early morning of Sunday.
Kim Fisher had a dream last year that Trump counted 19 extra loudly as he started counting from 15.
Does it indicate 12/19?
Since John Lawler received that a big explosion occurs when the moon is in the top of it's phase, "The Fiery Kickoff Event" might come first on 12/18-19.
Lynne Johnson claims that a big one in California will be the first Judgment.
In any case, if something big occurs on the full moon of Tevet as the midnight cry, the Remnant could be birthed on Tevet 17 as the Lord resurrected on Nisan 17.
17 means Victory and is the number of 153.
Tevet 17 is 12/21, the third day, the wedding day at Cana.
12/21 is Winter Solstice and 1 year from Christmas Star which fits to Esther 2:12.
Tevet 17 is 2 months from Cheshvan 17, and it's possible that Judgments begin from Tevet 17.
2 represents Separation between Flesh and Spirit.
Hopefully this theory becomes a reality this time.