In reply to your 12/05 post REPLY TO; Donna Dana ( 28 Nov 2021 ) RE: Two Witnesses ( you stated the following:
"As God's Two Witnesses lie dead in the street of Jerusalem for 3 1/2 days, they are still witnessing to their enemies who are alive in Jerusalem because they are celebrating their deaths by giving gifts to each other. Then their enemies witness God's Two Witnesses resurrect and ascend to heaven at midday on day 1,260. That makes 1,260 days of witnessing from beginning to end."
There is no way that God's Two Witnesses can prophesy & witness to their enemies who are alive in Jerusalem while God's Two Witnesses are lying dead in the streets for 3 1/2 days until they are resurrected. "To be absent from the body & to be present with the Lord" (2nd Corinthians 5:8) so they don't prophesy nor witness to anyone in hell either.
It is possible though that God's Two Witnesses could arrive 3 1/2 days before the Beast Antichrist is given authority for 1,260 days. Then God's Two Witnesses could be killed by the Beast Antichrist after they prophesy for 1,260 days. They would be killed by the Beast Antichrist at the end of their 1,260 days which would be 3 1/2 days before the Beast's authority of 1,260 days is ended. They would then lie dead in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 1/2 days before they are resurrected.
No where in scripture does it say that God's Two Witnesses 1,260 days has to run concurrent or be in the exact time frame that the Beast (Antichrist) has authority for 1,260 days.