Chance (5 Dec 2021)
"It's Not Covid-19/Unvaccinated Filling Up Hospitals and Flight For Life Colorado"

Hello John and Doves,
I've read numerous articles about ERs across the country and around the world being over run by very ill people.  Not Covid-19.  Not unvaccinated Covid-19.  But other health issues - blood clots, strokes, heart attacks...
And other countries are reporting this too:
And then there has been news like this:
"Health experts have been left baffled by a big rise in a common and potentially fatal type of heart attack in the west of Scotland.  During the summer there was a 25 per cent rise in the number of people rushed to the Golden Jubilee National Hospitals in Clydebank with partially blocked arteries cutting blood supply to the heart.  The heart attacks are no mystery to anyone who's been paying attention to prominent medical doctors who've in recent months issued dire health warnings regarding the Covid vaccine.  Perhaps the most distressing warning came from Canadian family physician Dr. Charles Hoffe, who conducted an independent study on his patients and determined that 62 percent had developed microscopic blood clots due to spike proteins contained in the mRNA jab."
I've written many other letters to Doves with links to articles about the 'vaccine' causing heart attacks, strokes, blood clots.
It's hard to know what's going on especially with the MSM, Biden, Fauci, Governor Polis of Colorado, etc. telling us that the hospitals are over flowing with Covid-19 unvaccinated patients.  But with personal experience involving family, friends, co-workers, health care providers...this news is slowly getting out to the public.  Unfortunately, due to the censoring of TV news, facebook, twitter,'s not reaching the majority of the public.
This last week, I heard from a friend whose nephew flies for Flight For Life here in northern Colorado. 
The nephew said that blood clots, strokes and heart attacks are up 50% compared to this time last year (when we had no 'vaccine'.)  He said almost all of the flights are for blood clots, strokes and heart attacks.
He said THIS is what the hospitals are full of..because he's bringing them to the hospitals.  And if he's seeing this, think about all of the people that drive to the ERs or are taken by an ambulance.  With these same health problems.
And expect this 'overflow' of the hospitals with blood clots and heart attacks to get much worse as we enter the winter season.  The 'vaccine' is already causing clots and heart attacks - so the vaccinated need to be especially careful this winter:
Governor Polis has been blaming the unvaccinated...saying it's the Covid-19 unvaccinated that have filled up and are filling up the hospitals.
Biden told us that if you get the Covid-19 'vaccine' you can not get Covid.  Even at that time, there were too many 'break through' cases to count across the country! 
VAERS has over 800,000 adverse reactions reported now...and this is totally voluntary reporting.  So there has to be an absolutely HUGE number of adverse events that have gone unreported.  And Biden, Fauci, the CDC, the MSM are hiding this information from the public.
Every week I am hearing more horror stores from friends and their family members who have received this 'vaccine'.   This is going on across the country and around the world.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!