Chance (19 Dec 2021)
""A Winter of Severe Illness And Death""

Hello John and Doves,
Biden is warning us of an apocalyptic winter due to Omicron.  At least for the unvaccinated.  So this is Biden et als' pathetic underhanded push to get the unvaccinated vaccinated.  And to get the booster shot hesitant, boosted.
And to REALLY determine if a Covid infection is indeed the Omnicron variant, the much harder to get, expensive gene sequencing testing needs to be done.  How many gene sequencing tests do you want to bet are actually going on across the country?
In the U.S. people are being told that even if you suspect you have a cold - get tested - because it's probably Omicron.  So everybody will be rushing in to get tested now.  And next year, in 2022, we can say that "Omicron cured the common cold."  Along with seasonal influenza.
And the fear mongers, like in the U.K. are 'warning' there could be 5,000 Covid deaths a the "Omicron cases threaten to spiral out of control."  The "Professor Lockdown" said "people are five times more likely to get Covid for a second time from the mutant Omicron strain...because immunity does not hold up well...warned of huge spikes in infections, hospital admissions and deaths over the winter."
Professor Lockdown is referring to the vaccinated people who had Covid and now have almost ZIP antibodies to fight anything...have a five times greater chance of getting Covid a second time.  That would say, their immune system is toast.  Because a natural antibody response is so much better than man-made.  This is science.  Only a damaged immune system would act like what Professor Lockdown is referring to.  And the common element in this is the 'vaccine'.
Even though this variant is mild. And there has been few deaths reported.  Some are predicting severe illness and death.
The first people reported to have had this had all been fully vaccinated.  And people with the booster are getting diagnosed with Omnicron.  The 'thought' is their illness with this is less severe because they are vaccinated....yet, when you look at the studies done they found that the vaccinateds' neutralized antibodies fell 25-fold, or by 96%.  "Two doses could still protect against severe disease, despite low antibody levels."  So low, they really don't do anything....? 
So, basically, what they are saying is, if you are vaccinated you have a good chance of getting Omicron.
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of 'stupid'.  "Fauci says omicron can evade vaccine protection, but boosters help."  
And we are already seeing the effects of its spread: 
The vaccination rate at Cornell University is 97%, yet they are reporting a high number of Covid cases...930 to date.
The Vice President for University Relations Joel Malina"said in a statement to People, "Virtually every case of the Omicron variant to date has been found in fully vaccinated students, a portion of whom had also received a booster shot."
"CDC confirms 80% of Covid-19 cases caused by Omicron variant in the US are fully vaccinated individuals - and 33% had booster shots!"
If Omicron has mutated to the point it's causing severe illness and death...time to go on to the next Greek letter.  And the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" will quickly become the "pandemic of everyone".
As of December 12, the US has about 140 confirmed Omicron cases..not one death.  I would think if we start seeing a "winter of severe illness and death" - it won't be because of Omnicron!  But why let a good opportunity to spread fear go to waste....
Have you noticed how the same message appears on the world scene at the same time? Masks work.  Ivermectin doesn't work.  The six foot rule is science. Omicron is to be feared.  Omicron is going to cause a huge spike in hospitalizations and deaths over winter.  The data shows the booster works against Omicron.  (The booster is exactly the same thing as the shots one/two.)   We need more travel bans.  We need more lockdowns.  We need EVERYONE vaccinated.
Like it's all scripted and emailed to various countries.  And the news media is up to their necks in this.
Fear is their way of controlling the masses.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem~
Apologize for the links - AOL is having issues in transferring links.