Hello John and Doves,Revelation 9:16 "And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them." That's a 200 million man army. Who could field such an army in the time of the Tribulation?If these 200 million are human beings and not spiritual beings...then we are seeing nations of people rise up against the Antichrist. Stirred up by the four angels to gather them for battle. There are some who believe this army is made up of demonic/fallen angels and not men.
The 200 Million of Revelation 9:16 - Prophecy Proof InsightsThe Antichrist does not rule the world during the Tribulation...there are armies that come against him. He is 'troubled' by rumblings from the east. China and India would be 'east' of Israel.Daniel 11:44 "But news from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will go out with great fury to destroy many and devote them to destruction."In this article India and China are joining sides against the COP26/Great Reset/Antichrist New World Order.
India and China set aside differences to resist carbon imperialismChina has no intentions of 'phasing out' the use of coal for electricity. They are building coal powered electrical plants now and have more planned for the future. India also is using "the fruits of fossil fuel-driven development' for helping their people.Most countries are dependent on coal, oil and natural gas. Yet, the COP26 want to strip the world of fossil fuel use.China and India could each field that 200 million man army from their HUGE populations. India's military is ranked 4th in the most powerful militaries of the world, 2021; with a population of 1.326 billion people. China's military is ranked 3rd with a population of 1.394 billion people.
The 10 Most Powerful Militaries in the World 2021 - WonderslistChina and India are standing up to this Great Reset agenda.Together these two countries could easily field large armies to come against the New World Order led by the Antichrist.Already they are disconnecting themselves from the COP26 agenda.....definitely in line with Bible prophecy!So, whether this huge army is demons or men, India and China are not on board with the Great Reset/New World Order that will worship the Antichrist.And China has her own eye on world dominion....I doubt China will bow to the Antichrist.
Gordon Chang: China's Endgame Is 'World Domination'China's agenda is definitely contrary to that of the COP26/Great Reset/Antichrist world dominion.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance