Steve W (22 Nov 2020)
"!!! Hank Kunneman 2020 Election Prophecy !!!"

      Hello Five Doves,
                  We wanted to share this powerful prophetic word pastor Hank Kunneman
      recently shared concerning the 2020 Election > His prophetic word starts at about the
      5 minute 30 sec mark in this video >

       link >

                This prophetic word was discovered after I sent to Five Doves the recent article titled >

      > !!! 2012 Venus Transit 2015 Blood Moon 1863 Gettysburg 2020 Election+2028 Revelation !!! <

       I hope Five Doves is able to post these two articles together because what Hank Kunneman 
         shares in his prophetic word connects to the above article as well when he talks about
     the WIND that split the RED SEA at the time of the ISRAELITES Crossing and destroyed Egypt's armies...

     The LORD saying "I WILL GET MY HONOR" in these events concerning the 2020 Election !!

      In the above article we talk about the prophetic significance of the upcoming date 4/3/2021 
    which is the 7th and Last Day of Passover known as Nisan 21 on the Jewish calendar, which
                           history records as the day MOSES parted the RED SEA !!

God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

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