Gerry Almond (6 Dec 2020)
"December, December, December!!!"

December 6, 2020


This month is only in its sixth day at this time. And Brother Ed Umling, a no extra comment, no nonsense poster of apparent messages from the Lord posted this:

DECEMBER! SORROW! His December 5th message says:

December! Sorrow replaces gladness. Confusion replaces order. Division replaces peace. Reason replaces faith. The coming of the Lord is at hand! The hour is very late! Jesus is coming very, very soon! When the Son of man comes, will He really find faith on earth? Watch and pray that ye be not deceived! Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning and be like men who wait for your Master when He will return”

December 5, 2020 Rosa Alveri, a watcher posted this: “While I was praying, I was crying out to God in regards to what is going to happen soon. Then I heard, “May Day! May Day! May Day! Another Pearl Harbor! America will lose its Navy. Our ships will be destroyed. He showed me a picture of our fleet of ships. Then I saw a surprise attack just like Pearl Harbor. I saw many of our ships under water. I said Lord, our men and women on those ships? I felt what He felt..sorrow and sadness, but judgment must be done.”

Along this line, Monday, December 7 is Pearl Harbor Day in America. This day marks the 79th anniversary of the sneak attack on U. S. Naval forces stationed in Hawaii. It was the event to thrust America into World War 2. It has been called a false flag, but the fact is that the Japanese Empire did mount ships and airplanes against the naval forces at peace at Pearl Harbor and over 3,000 men perished. It is today, a minor holiday, but it does come with flags and some remembrances. And it is now that the roll out of vaccinations are coming to England.

Calvin Montgomery and I exchange information daily. The vaccines seem to now be dominating. There seems little, if any, doubt about the danger in taking them. They have been developed very quickly and may or may not be as efficacious as the manufacturers say they are. A priest has died from an injection of Moderna, the so called Bill Gates formula. His is the one using some artificial intelligence in the vaccine. Could these A-I's be the sudden destruction of I Thessalonians 5:3 and perhaps the abomination that makes desolate of the Scriptures. I can think of nothing more deadly than to alter the DNA of the human so as to deny salvation, can you? It could be that this are what we must be rescued from? When? At the last moment? When “they” shall say 'peace and safety' then cometh sudden destruction upon them. Could this also be referring to the calming effect that the promise of plague control via these vaccinations may have on a frightened population? And what about the ministers who are not warning, but even encouraging their congregants to be vaccinated? Perhaps one major blessing of the rapture of the Philadelphia Christians will be to awaken many to the need to look at Christian messages more closely despite what their preachers are saying.

The Laodicea Christians are the Church of the left behind. The Philadelphia Christians are the Church of the first rapture. The removal of Philadelphia is the next event on the prophetic calendar, I believe. And Laodicea will be transformed at the same time, but will be left here to bring in a massive harvest of souls, I also believe. Their time, I think, will also be the time of the torment of mankind by the tormenters of Revelation 9:2-6 whose time will be five months or 150 days. Then the Laodicea Christians will be raptured, leaving the world to Satan, his antichrist and his false prophet. And of course, the mark of the beast system.

I think December 14, 2020 is definitely a “marked” day. It is the fourth candle on the Menorah of Hanukkah and it is 150 days before Israel's 73rd birthday in the United Nations on May 13/14, 2021. It is the day the U. S. electoral college meets to elect the next President of the U. S. It is also seven days before the end of Autumn in America and the first day of Winter. And of the greatest importance, I think, May 13/14, 2021 may be the day that Laodieea joins the six other Churches to complete the bride of Christ and all are together in God's heaven as His completed Bride, the body of which He is Head.

Within a week of May 13/14, 2021, I speculate, the Satanic trinity will come to full power and will last for 42 months of horror for the world. I calculate the end of their time to be October 25 or 31. Or no later than October 31/November 1, 2124.

I think that there may be two scenarios, either of which may apply. These assume a December, 2020 rapture of the Philadelphia Christians.

>>From December 1 through 21 may be the delay time spoken of by Daniel the prophet being repeated now. If so, the division is 7 + 7 + 7 days. On day one, the final month began. On day 7 the anniversary of Pearl Harbor occurs. On day 14, the U. S. election of the President will be finalized. On day 21, the first day of Winter occurs.

>>December 13/14 is the 4th day of Hanukkah. Add 150 days for Laodicea witness to this and the date is May 13/14, 2021, the 73rd birthday in the U. N. since May 13/14, 1948. December 14 is the meeting of the electoral college in America. This day is 7 days before the last day of Fall and the Winter solstice. The 7 days warning as given Noah could be December 13/14 as well with the rapture of the Philadelphia Christian on the last day of Fall and thus on December 20/21. Or the rapture could be earlier on December 13/14. (I expect to see civil disobedience after the Presidential election on December 14 no matter who is named).

>>In the case of a December 13/14 rapture, the 150 days forward lands on May 13/14, 2021, a very significant prophetic date in history.

>>In the case of a December 20/21 rapture, the 150 days forward lands on May 20/21.

>>Either on May 13/14 or within mere days afterward, the Satanic trinity will appear, along with the mark of beast system for population control. By then the vaccine that alters DNA will, I think, be readily available.

This is my speculation, of course, but it does seem to me, to have merit.


Gerry Almond