Fay (6 Dec 2020)
"The Plot. So see-through..it's Ridiculous"


The article in the link says it all. Crush small business and empower BIG business. We are all becoming aware of how this is all panning out. The greedy pig banks - big pharma - Amazon et al ...do not want to lose a single dime to small businesses. Not only that - forcing the world's people to only shop online, reinforces their control.

An article in the UK papers asked why our pubs and restaurants are being targeted so harshly. It's not just about money here. These are the places that people would gather together after work and at the weekend. Sharing ideas - discussing their problems. A boiling pot of ideas and epiphanies. An "ideas meet", if you will. We are deliberately being separated from each other. Forced to huddle in our homes. Going online and sharing ideas has become scary and precarious. If you express a doubt about the vaccine online - you WILL be trolled with enormous amounts of abuse. Most people do not dare voice their anxieties on social media as they are immediately shot down. Threatened with death etc. Our alternative used to be our pubs. No longer possible!

Separating people and stopping them meeting with other humans is another big part of this Covid-19 agenda. The powers-that-be can't have that. It's too dangerous. The more you see the repercussions of this so-called virus - the more you can see the evil genius behind it. This virus achieved many, many things. It has been very well thought through.

The article in the link is short and worth reading.
