Fay (6 Dec 2020)
"Another Beauty re the coming Alignment"


This is another from MrMBB33. I urge you all to watch both video clips I have posted with MrMBB333 clips regarding this alignment. Excellent information in both. Scientific info with wonderful graphics.

In this clip, MrMBB333 notes that he has observed large earthquakes occurring when planets align. This coming alignment could very well induce a large earthquake.

As an aside ....going further on the 9 months this world has endured Covid-19.... suggesting a birth is about to occur. This tired old, war-torn world has been given this time to contemplate. To look further outside their busy lives. Even if one won the lottery and ended up with zillions of dollars - this world is no longer a playground. No more theatre or glossy nightclubs. Fancy holidays etc. It would be a hollow win as this world is no longer the same. It has irrevocably changed. Not only is consumerism not what it used to be - this world carries no trust in their chosen leaders. ALL people are suspicious. Wary and anxious. This virus - which Satan meant for evil - our beloved LORD has used for good. The world has been given time out for contemplation. And as a human baby takes 9 months to fully develop in the womb (incubated) so have the world's people been given 9 months to develop, spiritually.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.
