Fay (6 Dec 2020)
"Chance re Steve Fletcher plus odd Covid numbers."



Thank you for the invaluable information. You laid it out beautifully and saved me having to sit through more hours of video clips. Please keep updating us with what you have. You put in such a great format.

Our UK rag - the Daily Mail - has the number of days the UK has been hit by Covid. They count off the days on the top right corner of the page. I found it rather interesting that December 31st (New Year's Eve) will be Day 280. That is the amount of days of human gestation. Israel went into it's Covid nightmare on March 11th. December 2020 will bring the world into the 9th month of this virus "pregnancy". Will something evil be birthed in January? If not before? It certainly feels like it will.

More and more - I feel that this bizarre virus will culminate in the end of this age. For a prime example - the horrific Japan earthquake and tsunami occurred 9 years ago on March 11th, 2011. March 11th, 2020 was when Israel officially announced their Covid problem. December 2020 will mark 9 years and 9 months since the Japan tragedy.

Please let it be so, LORD Jesus.
