Fay (27 Dec 2020)
"Mainstream Media Headlines!"


Hi John and Doves,

I realise the headlines emanating from the USA are rather more "mafia-like"...a lot more sinister. Definitely and deliberately composed to frighten. The UK mainstream media is more "private school high jinx". Pathetic, is a better word.

We were greeted with the headlines, "Good Tidings and great joy re the Brexit deal". On Christmas morning ! LOL. Many photo opportunities with Boris Johnson looking his usual, dishevelled, school boy prankster ish type. HURRAH - we made a last minute deal with the EU and have narrowly averted total disaster! We can all BREATH again. Praise be. Boris even wore a "fishy" type tie as the last minute tension was all due to the fishing quotas !!! Oh, how we all sighed with seasonal joy. In the meantime - all the hyperbole about Covid intensified as we now have a MONSTER strain that has sneaked in from South Africa !!! "Batten down the hatches, lads. There be a storm a'coming".

They are ALL pathetic. If we all cottoned on and refused to cooperate - they and their plans would all be dead in the water. Sadly - this is not going to happen. But it does help - for us clued-up Christians - to have a laugh. See the wood for the trees and NOT be intimidated.

With all seasonal intent .......Ho Ho Ho!

Video in link merely for pure entertainment.
