Fay (27 Dec 2020)
"Saturn Exposed."


In the 1st link is an article written in 2015. Keep that in mind. The author had no idea of the conjunction that happened on December 21st, 2020.

Please read the entire article for invaluable information. I have quoted from one chapter.

Saturn at Messiah's Birth :-

A popular theory on the Star of Bethlehem is that it was a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (or Jupiter, Mars and Saturn). This usually leads to speculation that the Magi would have recognised Jupiter as the 'King' star and Saturn as the star of the Jewish people - putting that together with the prophecies of Daniel, to know it was time to go to Judea - looking for the new born King of kings.

Please continue to read the rest of the article to realise just how Saturn could NOT possibly be involved in the Bethlehem Star conjunction. This is a misleading LIE.

Moloch, Rompha, Rempham, Sikkuth, Chinu, Kiyym - the translation varies by time and culture. ALL are names for Saturn. Saturn DEMANDS human sacrifice. More often by be-heading.

In the 2nd link is gobsmacking information about the so-called "mythology" about Saturn. These stories are not myths. Ask any Greek or Italian historian who has deep knowledge of their ancient history. Plus - the Bible tells us they are real beings. Men of renown. Men of old. If anything - please read this article about Saturn. Because occultists need Saturn to grant them permission for their evil plans for war. The details are unbelievable. We are to armour ourselves with knowledge, Doves. Recall the Vatican's 2020 nativity scene? I posted an article last week containing VIVID pictures. Evil. Occult. An executioner, wearing a horned helmet, was standing right next to a baby Jesus figure.

ALL the planets, bar earth, have blasphemous names.

