Fay (13 Dec 2020)
"Turkey / USA Airbases x 2. Note the recent EQ's."


The plot doth thicken.

Ever wondered why Turkey is strutting around the world stage like it owns it? Turkey is completely unfazed by the threats of the EU over the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Erdogan's confidence knows no bounds. See the 1st link for a good view of his astonishing swagger. For a country that is (apparently) suffering economic melt-down, with a government that is suffering extreme unpopularity within it's own nation - Erdogan behaves as though he is King of the world. He obviously knows something the EU doesn't. Oh - I know! Turkey has a huge military stash at it's disposal. Nuclear powered war-heads etc. Other than Israel - Turkey is the only other Middle East nation to have nuclear weapons. Albeit - these weapons actually belong to the USA.

The Incirlik Airbase is in the Antalya region. This is where a Mag 5.5 earthquake hit on December 5th. This EQ occurred just off-shore and was felt throughout Israel too. I also discovered that the Mag 7 EQ that hit Turkey on October 30th - the day before Halloween - did more than point to the ancient church's of Revelation. The EQ severely impacted the Izmir region. Guess what?? There is a 2nd USA / Turkey airbase there. It's called the Izmir Airbase.

2 EQ's in the regions that holds 2 USA/Turkey airbases? Coincidence?? Please see the 2nd link for map and details. Counting inclusively - the 2 EQ's were 37 days apart.

Researching these airbases - particularly Incirlik - you will come across many blogs and articles. Many American's have fought to have Incirlik dismantled and for the USA to get those lethal weapons out of there. The military appear to have ignored these concerns.

