Fay (13 Dec 2020)
"Brilliant Info from Paul Dawson. Must Watch"


Paul has done an excellent video clip re the coming solar eclipse on December 14th and the great conjunction on December 21st. There is much more detail involved, making this a Must Watch. Link below.

While watching this video clip - I thought about all the recent UFO talk and hints of disclosure on the horizon. If Saturn really is the great red dragon - threatening to devour the child - we could be in for one belter of a sky display. We know, from the story of Job - that satan has / had access to heaven. He can walk about the earth and zip up again - to wherever his "place in heaven" is. We know satan is going to be seen falling like lightening, to earth because he will have lost his place in heaven.

Jupiter and Saturn conjunct (meet up) every 20 years. Most of those years, earths people and telescopes cannot view this conjunction as it always happens too near the sun. The last visible "meet" was in the 1200's. IF Saturn represents satan's abode in the heavens - it appears he only gets to approach the LORD once every 20 years. This time is special. The conjunction is going to be SUPER CLOSE. The world's people will be able to see it with the naked eye! Not only that - the world is being given a 7 day warning of the conjunction with a VERY special solar eclipse. As you know - Almighty God has made sure we have all clocked this solar eclipse as something extraordinary. Placing it smack bang in the middle of the two Great American Solar eclipses. This makes it a message to the world.

Are we going to literally see something falling away from Saturn? Something that is going to fall to earth like lightening?

Something very, very special is beginning to happen. Watching Paul's clip in the link will excite you. It will THRILL you.

Praying for the peace of Jerusalem. In Jesus' Beloved and precious Name.
