Fay (13 Dec 2020)
"Build Up to a War in Heaven?"


This from MrMBB333. There seems to be a build up of strange lights in the skies - being seen and photographed from all over the world. To add to this - the very odd cloud formations suggest that mega "crafts" are using clouds to disguise themselves. This clip has to be seen, Doves. The lights and craft above Tampa Bay in Florida are just one of the obvious strange crafts being seen. Our LORD Jesus comes on the clouds. It's not a stretch to be curious about what we are now seeing. We can shake off the "conspiracy theory" hats we've been brainwashed to wear. When the war breaks out in heaven, as per Revelation 12 - it seems that this world will actually witness it ! Think about that for a second. I suggest to you that THIS is why we are getting a sudden media flurry about "Aliens" and the so-called Galactic Federation. The elite are (perhaps) preparing a grand deception....a blatant lie...to offer to the world's people, when this war in the heavens breaks out.

To add to the complete weirdness - I remembered the 2017 cover of the Economist magazine. It involved Tarot cards (2nd link) and the last card shown is titled "The Star". I believe this is referring to the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st. Coupled with the arrival of comet Erasmus - this is going to be magnificent. Many are referring to the coming conjunction as a repeat of the Bethlehem Star. It appears that the Economist elites knew this Star was coming. Please see the article in the 2nd link for this prize example of predictive programming. Scroll down the article to see the full array of cards and to see the card titled The Star. On this card are pictures of ordinary people surrounding the star. Nobody famous. Perhaps they are conveying that the Star is a literal star and not a famous actor/singer. And that it is a Star that will affect all.

The elites rely on the ordinary people to be trusting idiots. They think they can shove this stuff in our faces and then call us conspiracy theorists when we start to question it.

