Chance (27 Dec 2020)
"What Is Really Going On With COVID-19?"


Hello John and Doves,
A friend in the health care profession sent me the following articles - many health care workers are waking up to realize something is terribly wrong with the Covid-19 data and 'results' THEY are interpreting for us.
These articles contain numerous charts, graphs, etc from the CDC, Johns Hopkins, and various news sources.  The articles show how the interpretation of these charts, graphs by CDC, Johns Hopkins, etc are wrong - manipulating and mis-informing. THEY want us afraid and shut down.
Lots of good information at the links.
If you've been wondering where all of the seasonal influenza cases are this season, the CDC has added them in with Covid-19 and pneumonia death rates in a new category called "PIC".  Pneumonia, Influenza, Covid.  ALL PIC deaths are reported as "Covid-19 deaths".
Part 1 "explained the reality of Covid hospitalizations, the falsehoods, and the hyperbole, when in fact there were far more hospitalizations from the flu season of 2017-2018.
Part 2 "exposed how the CDC is hiding and manipulating the death toll, in large part, through grouping deaths under "PIC" which represents pneumonia,. influenza, and covid."
Part 3 "not only broke down the true nursing home and long term care facilities data points, but showed how they are documenting anyone who tests positive at time of death as a Covid death, even if they died from another cause such as a gunshot wound."
Part 4 "covers the Covid-19 PCR test that is 'deeply' flawed creating false positives that explains why 90% of all positive cases are asymptomatic.  So far, the vaccine for Covid-19 is producing alarming side effects."
There is much misinformation and intentional disinformation out there.  When the 'globalists' are involved, we need to beware!.
COVID-19 Pt. 1:  Hospitalizations - Reality Check"  November 24, 2020
COVID-19 Pt. 1: Hospitalizations - Reality Check |
"Covid-19 Pt. 2:  CDC's New "PIC" and The Hidden Data"  November 29, 2020
COVID-19 Pt. 2: CDC's New "PIC" and The Hidden Data |
"Covid-19 Pt. 3:  Nursing Homes and Long Term Care Facility Deaths "With" OR "From" Covid Facts"  December 11, 2020
COVID-19 Pt. 3: Nursing Homes and Long Term Care Facility Deaths “With” OR “From” Covid Facts |
"COVID-19 Pt 4:  The "Test" That Changed The World is Deeply Flawed" December 21, 2020 Pt. 4: The "Test" That Changed The World is Deeply Flawed |
There is a Pt. 5 coming in the future.
Rep Mary Franson and Sen Scott Jensen of Minnesota have called for a full audit of all death certificates marked as COVID-19 deaths in Minnesota.  Physicians have been told by the CDC that the guidelines for death certificates have changed, since COVID-19 showed up...."If someone had it (COVID-19), they died of it."  Of some 2800 COVID-19 deaths reported on death certificates, 800 did not have COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death.
MN Senator/Physician Blows Whistle: The Bizarre, Non-COVID Types of Deaths Being Blamed on COVID
We are being lied to and manipulated.  Many physicians are speaking out and saying that with a 99.8% survival rate, this does NOT need a vaccine.  And the mRNA vaccines are dangerous.
So we ask, why are they sooo keen on vaccinating us?  The answer is obvious to those of us seeing the Tribulation period approaching, with it's One World Government and Antichrist.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!