Chance (13 Dec 2020)
"Hold The Line!"


Hello John and Doves,
I was thinking back on Pastor Dana Coverstone's dreams and looking to see if there are any possible election fraud connections or connections to Biden's 'president-elect' status.
I believe that Pastor Dana's dreams are prophetic...and that what they are showing him are events that are probably spread out over time - a few months maybe.  So far, no dream goes past the mention of the month of January, besides that billboard message that mentions Passover 2021.
Pastor Dana had a dream, that is now called "The Data Dream", here is the link if you'd like to watch this  :
(290) Pastor Dana Coverstone THE DATA DREAM - Oct 20, 2020 | The Biden Family - YouTube
In this dream he saw 'data'/network/information lines (election fraud information/fraudulent ballots?) going into Philadelphia....the lines go into the tower where the Liberty Bell is located and then there is an explosion from the pressure in the lines; this blows the bell out of the tower...the bell is split in half and falls to the ground.
It's interesting that the election fraud lawsuits began in Philadelphia.  That's where Eric Trump and Pam Bondi showed up to tell everyone about voting irregularities - Philadelphia.  And we have been told that this 2020 election may hinge on Pennsylvania.
The Election May Hinge on Pennsylvania. Can the Polls Get the State Right? - The New York Times
The AG of Texas filed a lawsuit against four of the swing states:  Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin.  Some 23 Republican state AGs joined in the suit. And some 106 U.S. House Republicans signed a brief backing Texas also. 
"The Texas case against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia has exploded.  Now nearly the entire country is picking sides."  For the Democrat side of the lawsuit - the District of Colombia, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and 20 states joined with Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin.
BREAKING: Now the Democrat Attorneys General Align with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia - Nearly Every State Has Picked Sides
Well, on Friday, 12/11/2020, "The Supreme Court on Friday rebuffed a last-ditch attempt by Texas to block electors from four battleground states...the high court refused to take up the lawsuit filed Monday by the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton..."Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections.  All other pending motions are dismissed as moot," the court said in an unsigned order.
Supreme Court rejects Texas bid to overturn election results in four states - CBS News
Note how the Red states were lined up against the Blue states in this Texas/Pennsylvania case.  Every state has indeed picked a side.
Sounds like 'the fraud' has blown out the Liberty Bell!  The splitting of the Liberty Bell shows how divided the country is. The country is definitely split in half! 
And now we are hearing the mantra "Hold the line!"  Pence said this at his recent Georgia rally.  "Here's the deal, Georgia, It might all come down to you, and Georgia has got to hold the line on Jan. 5," Pence said."
‘Hold the line’: VP Pence visits Augusta for Loeffler, Perdue
And "David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, who are vying to win those Georgia Senate seats, are arguing the state is a final line of defense against Democrats...."We are the battleground,"  Loeffler told supporters.  "We are the firewall."  Perdue said, "This is the last line of defense."  "What we have to do right now is hold the line,"  Perdue said.
In Georgia, Pence Sidesteps Trump False Claims : NPR
Pastor Dana told us about his "Earthquake Dream", where in it, he saw Mount Rushmore and George Washington said, "Hold the fort!  Toe the line!  Fight!"
According to the dreams...the 'data'/information lines go on to Washington, D.C. - to the Capitol Building....One line seemed to be bigger and have more data/information.  Pastor Dana saw people in suits and ties, business attire, judges, trying to pull this line out of D.C. to keep it from blowing up - all of the connections went to the Capitol Building,  Eventually the pressure in the line blows up the Capitol Building, cracking it in half....the smoke above the building spelled out 'DISCOVERY'.  People were running, not from the explosion, but from the word.
It's interesting that 'judges' are seen in the dream trying to prevent this 'information' from getting to the public and exposing any involved that are in Congress/the Capitol Building. We've had one judge after the other, including the Supreme Court Justices, slam down the various election fraud lawsuits. All trying to stop this 'information' from getting out to the public/Congress to expose it.
"Discovery" is a legal term that means the gathering of information in preparation for trial.  "The theory of broad rights of discovery is that all parties will go to trail with as much knowledge as possible and that neither party should be able to keep secrets from the other...Often much of the fight between the two sides in a suit takes place during the discovery period."  This discovery involves demands for "production of documents, depositions of parties and potential witnesses, written interrogatories (questions and answers written under oath), written requests for admissions of fact, examination of the scene and the petitions and motions employed to enforce discovery rights."
Legal Dictionary |
So is there something even bigger concerning this election fraud that's going to expose Congress?  Or will it be information about Biden and his tax evasion, money laundering, and collusion with China? The dream doesn't show what kind of 'data' or information is in the lines. 
After the people are seen running from the word "Discovery", Pastor Dana said the dream changed - he saw the rotunda and in the middle of the rotunda was a closed casket - with a sign on the casket that stated: "Inside was the Democrat candidate for the office of President."  And a calendar above the casket:  December 17 was circled.
Will this 'discovery' doom the Biden/Harris presidential election?  Not much longer to December 17, which is the seventh day of Chanukah.
During Chanukah, "it is customary to play dreidel - a game played with a spinning top inscribed with the Hebrew letters Nun, Gimmel, Hei, and Shin, which spells the phrase Nes Gadol Hayah Sham, "a great miracle happened there.".
Thursday, Tevet 2, 5781 / December 17, 2020 - Jewish Calendar - Hebrew Calendar

Will we have "a great miracle happen here", during Chanukah. 2020?  After the Supreme Court slammed down the huge Texas case, many are calling this the last ditch effort by Trump to expose the fraud and overturn the election.  Many are not holding out hope any longer. 
I read one twitter comment:  "We've been kicked in the teeth too much.  We're done hoping & praying for "another day" or "another chance".  Evil is too powerful in the country.  And it is truly sad.  It is over.  And so is this country."  
God is the one who puts rulers in power - not man.  Maybe the story does not end with this Texas lawsuit....maybe there is still much more to come!
I believe that prayer and fasting 'can change things'.  Remember Queen Esther, she was told "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish.  And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?"  Esther 4:14  Queen Esther then told Mordecai to gather all the Jews and fast for her.  To not eat of drink for three days, night and day.  Queen Esther then went before the king and made her plea known to the king - risking death as it was against the law to approach the king.
Either way God was going to save the Jews, but He put Esther in that time, that place to give her that chance to save her people.  Either way God's will was done.
We can pray and fast for this election to be overturned - and have President Trump as president during the coming judgment on America or we can have Biden and the Chinese Communist Party controlling us during the coming judgment on America.  We all know judgment is coming to America.  We just don't know how bad it will get before the Rapture for the believers in Christ.
We can pray and fast or we can remain silent.  
Join with me in praying that the corruption is exposed and the people's voice is heard.  And in praying that 'discovery' brings the fraud into the light. 
Hold the fort!  Toe the line!  Fight!
This is a fight against the rulers, against the powers of darkness of this world.  Ephesians 6:12 
We can stand our ground, putting on the full armor of God - evil has come and we will stand firm.  Ephesians 6:13
Hold the line!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Pastor Dana has had two following dreams:  The Abraham Lincoln Dream and the Benjamin Franklin Dreams.  These dreams show judgment is coming to America.
(290) The Lincoln Dream - November 9, 2020 - YouTube
(290) The Franklin Dream - November 16, 2020 - YouTube