Anthony Mak (13 Dec 2020)
"Possible Timeline of Jesus's birth to His 2nd Coming by blending both calendars ( Biblical and Gregorian ). Only a true GOD can do it......"

1) John the Baptist was born on 16th / 17th September of 4 BC and began his ministry at around age 30 which is 10,800 days old ( biblical calendar ) around the 14th of April of 27 AD.
2) Jesus was born 6 months later which is 180 days later on 15th of March, 3 BC
3) Jesus must have started leaving His home to begin His ministry around the Feast of Trumpets of that year which was 20th Sept.27 AD and went straight from there to John after all the Fall Feasts were over.
4) He was exactly 30 years old ( 10,800 days old ) on October 11 of 27AD which was the last great day of the Feast of Tabernacles and he went from there that day to let John the Baptist baptize Him.
5) Immediately after He came out of the water, The Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness for His 40 days testing in the wilderness which was on 11th Oct. 27AD.
6) After His 40 days was over on the 20th of November 27AD, He was seen by John the Baptist again and disciples began to follow Him from that day......
7) On the 3rd day after His 40 days trials was over, He and some of His disciples went to a wedding in Cana which would be the 23rd of November 27AD which was a Sunday!
8) He was already full of the power of the Holy Spirit already by then, BUT, why did He say to His mother that "His time had not come yet" when He was at the wedding? ( But He still performed the miracle...)
9) Later, the reason for His telling His mother that it was not His time yet at the wedding became clear when He went into the synagogue in Nazareth either on the 12th or 19th of December which were both sabbath days AND, not only that, 12th December of that year was the 1st day of Hanukkah and the 19th was the 8th day!!! He was actually waiting to "officially" announce His ministry to the world either on the 1st. day of Hanukkah or the 8th day of Hanukkah!!! And so, it would be perfectly safe to say that Jesus actually started His ministry "Journey" around the feast of Trumpets on the 20th of September ( making Him ABOUT 30 years old according to scripture ) BUT did not OFFICIALLY announce or "launch" it until the Feast of Hanukkah on either the 12th or 19th of December 27AD.

Here's the most climatic part of this timeline........

1) On Rosh Hoshana of the year 2027 ( 5788 ) on the 2nd. of October calculating backwards 2,000 Rosh Hoshanas in the Gregorian calendar which is EXACTLY 730,500 days @ 365.25 days per year, it will land EXACTLY on Rosh Hoshana of 27AD on the 20th of September!!! The SAME day Jesus started His ministry "Journey"!!! No other 2,000 Gregorian Rosh Hoshanas fits like this one as the 26AD to 2026 one is 730,469 days which is short of an EXACT count of 730,500 days and the 28AD to 2028 count also ends up at 730,471 days which is also short. 
2) Not only that, Deuteronomy 32:35 which some believe that its parallel to the Jewish year 5788 starting on the 2nd. of October 2027, highly supports the above 2,000 Gregorian years of Rosh Hoshanas from His starting out on Rosh Hoshana of 27 AD on 20th September to His 2nd Coming on Rosh Hoshana of 2027!! Why?? Because if Deuteronomy 32:35 is carefully read and studied, the verse actually CONNECTS to the Isaiah 61:2 part where Jesus had LEFT OUT on purpose on either the 12th or 19th of December 27AD when He read it in the synagogue on that day which means that Jesus is saying that He will now be ready to COMPLETE that "VENGEANCE" part that He left out 2,000 Gregorian years ago AND WILL NOW DO IT ON ROSH HOSHANA OF 2027 when He lands on Mt. Olive!!!!!!!
3) This is just too interestingly fitting to ignore!

However, the last hurdle to cross is the problem of fitting the 7 years of 2520 days which will still have to be resolved, if the above scenario can be true......

1) 2nd. October 2027 less 2520 days = 7th November of 2020........( its now way past 7th November 2020 already! )
2) A highly accurate prophecy by Jose Ben Kisma given many years ago about Israel's going for a 4th election with the Messiah or Son of David coming BEFORE its fourth attempt to form a government can lend a very timely help to solve this seemingly over running 7 years, 2520 days issue.......
3) Israel is said to be scheduling the 23rd of March 2021 for the 4th elections and the prophecy says that the Son of David can come BEFORE the 23rd of March next year!
4) There can be 2 scenarios to this...a) The "Messiah" is the Antichrist who will appear on or just before the 23rd of March where the Church would have been Raptured already before that, OR,......b) It is Jesus who comes to Rapture His Bride before the 23rd of March and if so, giving at least 1 or 2 months for the Ezekiel War and then the signing of the peace treaty around the 23rd of March, the Rapture could very well happen between now and January......
5) With that in mind, and a fixed 1260 days all the way to the 2nd. of October 2027 for the Antichrist to rule immediately after he betrays Israel somewhere in the "midst" of the 7 years covenant, there's a high possibility that the first section of the 7 years treaty will only be around 3 years when the Antichrist breaks it suddenly which also effectively "shortens" the tribulation as stated also in the Word...

So, in conclusion, this timeline is a very possible scenario indeed and the Lord CAN come to Rapture His Bride even during this Hanukkah season! BE READY!!! Its time to leave this CRAZY, EVIL AND DANGEROUS WORLD NOW!!!!!