A Goodrick (13 Dec 2020)
"In Praise of Pastor John MacArthur"

John and Doves


John and Doves,
Back in 1989, my aging mother, 84, was convalescing in a home and heard a Protestant minister on the radio for her 1st time.

She quickly endorsed Pastor John MacArthur's Bible teaching, though she herself never actually had read through the Bible, being a life long Catholic.

She told me of the wonderful things he said and I agreed and went about my life as usual.

1989 was also the year my mother passed away, and I am so grateful she heard 
his Bible teaching before her death.

I and my husband were attending Calvary Chapel churches at that time.

In the Spring of 2020, I began to hear again of Pastor John MacArthur  and of his bold stand to keep his Grace Community Church open for in-person services during the unlawful church closures.

He was one of the 1st Pastors to do so, and his courageous example encouraged other Pastors to also keep their churches open.

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti handed down large unreasonable fines, 
and also threatened Pastor MacArthur with arrest if he continued obeying God.

Pastor John is still at his command post throughout the week and Sundays, honoring God.

This past week, Pastor MacArthur gave a good sermon that was relevant.
It was on how the time is now ripe for the rise of antichrist, and also it is the time that we shall see more and more persecution. 

He is facing it head on, emboldened by
Our Lord and the Apostle Paul.
"But none of these things move me, neither do I count my life dear unto myself. 
That I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the Gospel of the grace of God."
ACTS 20:24

Pastor MacArthur is a true profile in courage. And just as he paternally led other ministers to take a stand,
he now-- as a fatherly Shepherd-- is leading the way to face Smyrna consequences.
"Fear none of those things" Rev. 2:10.

We are blest to have Pastor MacArthur among us because he gives us *all* courage. 
Let us pray for him and all those standing tall, while others are at the
"Frank Laundry".