A Goodrick (13 Dec 2020)
"Are Bibles next ??"

John and Doves,

https://www.wnd.com/20  20/12/jonathan-turley-criminalization-private-speech-coming-u-s/     

In the article above, a professor of law from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. , 
Prof. Jonathan Turley,
tells of the growing animosity toward free speech rising from Europe, and willingly advocated by the U.S. Left (Democrats) and Mr. Joe Biden.  

Europe and the Left want to criminalize free speech *in the home.*
 "A comment over the dinner table about a huge range of people could lead to a prison sentence".

The Scottish Minister of Justice wants to make possessing a Bible a crime.

This demonic trend could spread quickly, and then our most valued Treasure, our Holy Bible, could be outlawed
before we know it.
Best to store the Word in our heart.

As I see our world changing before my very eyes, I notice how Christains are now beginning to realize how we ARE here on planet earth for many things we thought we would escape.

"Yes,the Rapture IS coming, but not at
Rev. 4:1, as I see it, 
but at Rev. 11:18. That helps us to be more patient, as I see it."

Let's pray--and not take for granted--the spiritual advantages we now have,
by God's Merciful protection.

John Wesley:
"I am a creature of a day, passing through life as an arrow through the air.
A few moments hence, I am no more. I drop into eternity.
I want to know one thing: the way to heaven.
O give me that Book.
At any price, give me the Book of God!!!
