Steve Coerper (22 Dec 2019)
"A Possible Confirmation of my previous conjecture"

Dear John -

As you may recall, I wrote to you last month with an explanation of my conjecture that Daniel's Day of Blessing could be Shemini Atzeret in 2023.  I also said in that email (which you posted on November 17th) that if I'm correct, we should expect confirming lines of evidence.  Our mutual friend (and long time Five Doves contributor) Mike Pine sent me a link to what may be a confirmation.

The Biblical text of interest is in Daniel, chapter 12.  Some people see verse 11 as setting a context for verse 12, and think that the daily sacrifice is taken away and the abomination of desolation is set up at about the midpoint of Daniel's 70th week.  They then count 1,335 days from that mid-point and conclude that verse 12 and the end of the "wait" is at the end of the final seven years.

This is mathematically problematic.  If 42 months or 1,260 days is the first half of the week, and even if the second half has a "leap month" making it 1,290 days, this "day of blessing" would then be 75 days beyond the end of the final seven years.  But Daniel 9:24 says "seventy weeks" and not "seventy weeks plus 75 days."  For that reason and a few others, I've dropped Hal Lindsey's model and have concluded that the blessing comes 1,335 days from the BEGINNING of the week, a week commonly believed to be initiated by some event called the "confirmation of the covenant."  This, of course, allows ample time for the construction of the Millennial Temple (described in Ezekiel chapters 40-41), which must be completed so that "anoint the Most Holy" - the final item on Daniel's list of six objectives - can take place before the final week ends (compare Daniel 9:24 with Ezekiel 41:4, 43:12, 45:3 and 48:12).

IF the "day of blessing" is October 7, 2023 and that is the 1,335th day of Daniel's 70th Week, then Day #1 is this coming February 10th.  That's the conjecture, and Mike found a confirmation here:

The author is Greg Stephenson, who pastors a church in Florida and started developing his time line in about 2012.  The article is long and convoluted but the salient points are near the end:

I believe that the 50 days from the eve of the Feast of Lights also known as Hanukkah until the Jewish celebration known as Rosh Hashanah La'llanot or the New Year for Trees could be the most transformative days witnessed by this generation.

Very simply put, watch the things that transpire from the eve of December 22, 2019, until the eve of February 9, 2020, Jerusalem time.

We've seen lots of interest in Hanukkah as a prophetically significant feast, and the idea of an event of some importance occurring on a feast, followed fifty days later by something that really changes everything is strongly reminiscent of the 50 days between First Fruits and Pentecost.  For those who think "Rosh Hashanah" is an ideal time for a rapture, and may even had dreams or visions along those lines, this may add a new possibility.

The picture we see in Revelation 12 is the great fiery red Dragon desiring to devour the Child, the Child snatched to safety (the Greek word harpazo Strongs G726 is used), and the mother then escaping to safety for 1,260 days.  Certainly the appearance of the Dragon would be "transformative" and the Dragon must appear before we leave.

I sent an email to Greg and have not yet heard back from him.  A second part of his vision was a reference to the 30th day of Kislev, which is this upcoming Sunday, December 29th and I'd be interested in his clarification on this point.  Greg wrote:

Nevertheless, Jesus still has a plan to catch away believers that they will never see death, but will be transformed in a twinkling of the eye. The rapture will be accompanied by a global earthquake that is not foreign to scripture.

My thoughts on the evening of January 15 were thoughts of wanting to make sure that I would make it to Bible study Wednesday night. Early Wednesday morning before sunrise I dreamed a dream that I was on the east coast standing on the beach with many thousands of Christians.

I could not tell if they had their hands were up in the air as a form of worship or not, but I could tell they were all earnestly looking to the Eastern sky. My attention was more on the brilliant clouds that were hovering above when I heard very clearly these words coming from the cloud, "
He Is Coming about 9 30."
Kislev is the 9th month on the Hebrew calendar, and "about" 9 30 could mean that a sequence of events leading to or including our departure begins on that date.  Again, subjective, speculative ... we may have to just wait a week to find out. 

It's conjecture and speculation, to be sure.  Like you, I'm hoping we can leave soon and I look forward to meeting you "on the mezzanine."

