Great article! Worth the short read.
Rabbi Kaduri has (supposedly) made some incredible statements and prophecies. Remember him? When he died, he had a note sealed, and not to be opened until 1 year after his death.One year later, so the story goes, the note said "I met the Messiah....and He is Jesus Christ."
Google's out there. And now it pops up (article is from September when the 2nd Israeli election was about to happen) that he prophesied that "The Messiah would return when Israel HAS NO GOVERNMENT."
And now.....Israel is headed for election #3 in ONE YEAR because they have failed to form a government after 2 now they must have a 3rd election. Interesting.... !!!
IF we are still here after Passover 2020...then......this was just another good but false alarm. I hope not!!
Tic Toc,YFIC,Randy