James Brownlow (8 Dec 2019)
"Dec. 12 th --3 Capitol Cities FOUNDED - Jerusalem, Wash. ,DC, NYC"

I understand that there is a "full Moon" at 12 minutes after 12AM on the 12th day of the 12th month....Dec 12 , 2019
"For the goodman is not at home , he is gone on a long journey: He has taken a bag of money with him and will come home at the full moon" (midnight) Prov 7:19-20. "At the full moon" is Strong's 3677 Hebrew. , also translated "appointed day"

"Blow the trumpet in the full moon... " Psalm 81:3.


Jerusalem was made capitol of Israel Dec 12 ,1949.
Washington, D.C. was made capitol of the United States Dec. 12 ,1800.
The United Nations voted to accept a gift of 6 acres in New York for the world HQ , Dec 12th 1946