John 12:31
"NOW is the judgment of this world ; NOW shall the prince of this world be cast out."
The above Scripture states that the tribulation judgment of this world BEGINS at the same time that Satan is cast out of heaven to earth.
Revelation 13:5
"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemes; and power was given unto him TO CONTINUE for FORTY-TWO MONTHS."
The above Scripture states that AFTER Satan is cast out of heaven to earth he is allowed to continue for three and one-half years on earth UNTIL his end.
Therefore these two Scriptures tell us that the tribulation judgment of the world will last for a total period of three and one-half years from beginning to end. It begins when Satan is cast out of heaven to earth, and ends three and one-half years, ie. forty-two months, later when Jesus Christ returns at His Second Coming accompanied with His previously raptured Church. Do you agree that the Scriptures tell us that the tribulation of the world is for a period of forty-two months which is three and one-half years, and NOT FOR SEVEN YEARS as many people mistakenly teach?
According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus !