Jesus tells us when the Great Tribulation judgment upon this world WILL BEGIN as recorded in the following two Scriptures:
John 12:31 ( Jesus speaking )
"NOW is the judgment of this world; NOW shall the prince of this world be CAST OUT."
The preceding Scripture is Jesus telling us that WHEN Satan, who is the prince of this world, is cast out of heaven is WHEN the judgment of Great Tribulation BEGINS upon this world .
The following Scripture is Jesus confirming to us that Salvation, ie. the rapture, has NOW happened to the Church because Satan has NOW been permanently CAST OUT of heaven thus making heaven NOW prepared to receive the raptured Body of Christ Church WHEN Satan is cast down to earth, and that is also WHEN the Great Tribulation judgment upon the whole world will begin WHEN Satan arrives on earth.
Revelation 12:10
"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, NOW IS COME SALVATION .................for the accuser of our brethren is CAST DOWN .........."
Those who say that the rapture is imminent are not taking into the account what Jesus has told us that Satan must first be CAST OUT of heaven to prepare heaven to receive the raptured Church, AND that the judgment of Great Tribulation upon the whole world CANNOT BEGIN UNTIL Satan arrives on earth after being CAST DOWN from heaven.
The following Scripture tells us how long the Great Tribulation judgment will last upon the earth before the Second Coming of the Lord to end it.
Revelation 13:5
".......and power was given to him to continue FORTY-TWO MONTHS."
Therefore, Jesus has told us that the 1,260 days immediately preceding the Second Coming of the Lord are the duration of the Great Tribulation judgment of the whole world.
According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus !