Garry B (22 Dec 2019)

OTHER SHEEP..........

The following Scripture describes Jesus speaking to His disciples about the future rapture of "His elect" Gentile Church before His crucifixion. Of course, they did not know what He was talking about as it was with many of the things, He told them.

John 10:16

"And OTHER SHEEP I have which are not of THIS FOLD. Them also I MUST BRING , and they will HEAR MY VOICE and there will be ONE FLOCK and one shepherd."

OTHER SHEEP = Gentile believers

THIS FOLD = Jewish believers

I MUST BRING = resurrection/rapture

HEAR MY VOICE = The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with THE VOICE of an archangel

ONE FLOCK = ”His elect" raptured Body of Christ Church  ( Matthew 24:30-31 )

One cannot say that the rapture was never mentioned by Jesus to his disciples before He was crucified. Yes, the mystery of the rapture was revealed in detail to the Gentiles by the Apostle Paul AFTER Jesus was crucified, but it is not correct to say that Jesus did not speak of the rapture of the Gentiles before His crucifixion . 

According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus !